
Modern Slaves (documentary)

An example of such slavery is practiced by the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) and it has been well portrayed in the movie, “The Mina Facility”. The MKO, claiming to seek democracy, plunged into moral deterioration throughout its conduct and went as far as forming alliance with Saddam Hussein to attack its home country and kill innocent people. MKO recruits its members based on one criterion: unquestioning obedience; changes their ideology …

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Former members denounce the MKO cult in Koln

Former members who actively denounce the MKO destructive cult held a protest gathering in Koln, Germany on Saturday, September 3rd, 2016. Participants at the rally declared their support for the MKO/MEK/PMOI hostages’ families’ certain right of visiting their loved ones. Sympathizing with the suffering families

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Fugitive heads of the MKO Cult: Fahimeh Ma’huzi

She operated as tank commander during the Mujahedin-e Khalq Pearl Operation. She also functioned within the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult as of the commanders of the Interior section ( Bakhah-e Dakheleh ). The “Interior Section” focus was inside Iran. That is this section was in charge of recruiting members….

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Fugitive heads of the MKO Cult: Parvin Safaei

For several years she was the Director of Finance and money laundering system of Mujahedin-e Khalq terrorist group.She also ran the so called Control Part of the group. Safaei imposed her dictatorship on rank and file through torture and harassment.The Control part of the MKO/MEK/PMOI destructive cult have had required the commanders to constantly monitor members…

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Fugitive heads of the MKO Cult: Hamideh Shahrokhi

She is a veteran member of Mujahedin-e Khalq group. She has been actively involved in suppression within the MKO Camps. Hamideh Shahrokhi is on the Iraqi wanted list for committing crimes against humanity in the country.She operated as commander of military and support bases and participated at the MKO terrorist operations: Pearl and Eternal Light.

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Iran: Mojahedin Khalq are non-existent

“This terrorist group, which is backed by some European and Arab countries, fought against Iran during the imposed war (the Iraq-Iran war) and killed our youths.”The MKO has existed as an Islamist-Marxist group since 1965, when it fought the Shah regime. It carried out a number of attacks against U.S. soldiers….

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