
Lawmakers Welcome Iraq’s MKO Expulsion

Several lawmakers welcomed the Iraqi efforts to expel the remaining members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization from its soil in the near future.Seyyed Qasem Jasemi, a principlist lawmaker, in an interview with ICANA on Saturday, praised ….

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Mothers, Most Powerful Army to Fight Maryam Rajavi

This explains why Maryam Rajavi is terrified – and I mean really terrified – by the families who visit Camp Liberty. Rajavi is holding their loved ones hostage and she knows that if her victims have any contact with their families that will trigger an emotional response in their authentic self.

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Iran official reacts to Abbas meeting with MKO ringleader

An adviser to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has harshly criticized the recent meeting between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the ringleader of an anti-Iran terrorist group.Speaking on Sunday, Hossein Sheikholeslam said the meeting between Abbas and Maryam Rajavi, the ringleader of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO), came as no surprise to Iran.

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Mr. Gingrich! The Cult of Rajavi Is Also Incompatible with Western Civilization!

Soraya Sepahpour has been a victim of the MKO’s/MEK/PMOI undemocratic attitude too. “I get threatened by them all the time,“ she wrote in a comment. “Not only them, but rabbis (they are Israel’s pets) smear me.”If Western civilization is really incompatible with extremism, suicide, genocide, and any other reactionary act which is indoctrinated under the so-called rule of Sharia, Western authorities including Newt Gingrich….

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