Women Rights in the Mujahedin Khalq

Female members of MKO are made barren

even the western advocates of Mujahedin(aka PMOI/MKO/MEK) and lobbying parliamentarians have been unaware of these inhuman and brutal actions that are only expected of ill-famed, destructive cults. As the elite of their own nations, at least they have to be concerned about the actions of the group they are lobbying for to unleash among their own people.

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How many women of PMOI have reached the summit?

In the Mujahedin Khalq Organization the hysterectomy surgery is considered as reaching the summit..The people‘s Mujahedin of Iran(PMOI/MKO) does hysterectomy surgeries on women ranks and file and promotes them to the Ideal Summit [total devotion to leader] .They have made 150 women barren so far. ..Some of the women even didn’t have any idea of the operation done on their body since they were told false justifications.

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The Ideal Summit

Mujahedin Khalq makes women unfertile-According to the foreign policy reporter of Fars News Agency, following the disclosing speech of Nassrin (Batoul) Ebrahimi, an ex-member of PMOI’s leadership council , in European Parliament ,based on the execution of an operation called “ Ideal Summit” through which the PMOI makes the women members barren

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MKO Terrorists Driving American Foreign Policy

Constance Andresen Tanter exposes Mojahedin Khalq (Rajavi cult) Terrorists and it’s agent Raymond Tanter commenting on their lobbying article in humanevents.com…….. I believe that madame Rajavi and the group do not support womensrights since they keep paying and funding Raymond Tanter and since i was the wife and AM on appeal that their internal audits will be brought forth..he fooled me as well as many others….

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The Strives for the Freedom of Women

There hardly exist any other group in Iranian’s contemporary history as notorious as the Cult of Mojahedin that for more than three decades has deceived and enslaved a number of Iranian women and has held them against their will in a military camp in the heart of Iraqi deserts under the harshest conditions for the emancipation of women!

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To Defenseless women of Ashraf

On the Occasion of International Women’s Day..Slavery, exploitation, abuse, human right violence, deceit, disappointment and fear of facing facts have made them too nervous and weak to soothe their pains. The demonstrations and gatherings of 20-30 people to support the women of Ashraf and enthusiastic speeches of Maryam Rajavi are no more useful to mollify their grieves

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Woman brainwashed into staying at guerrilla camp

In the 1990s, the MEK was recruiting within Canada’s Iranian community and Ms. Mohammady, a refugee from Iran, volunteered with the blessing of her parents, both MEK activists.In 1997, at the age of 17, she travelled to Camp Ashraf, the MEK guerrilla base north of Baghdad from which it launched its attacks on Iran

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Women, Objects of a Similar Reactionary Vision in Al-Qaeda and MKO

Following its internal ideological revolution, MKO partly surfaced its ideologically based value standpoint on women. Annihilation of family foundations inside the organization, forced divorces, escalation of hatred among espouses and encouraging them to remain celibate for the rest of their lives were all unprecedented achievements that Rajavi, as Mojahedin’s modern revolutionary leader, enforced.

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Breaking The Ties that bind

A family torn apart by Mojahedin Khalq Organisation – Rajavi cult A tale of a family torn apart by lies, deception, and government bureaucracy, “Breaking the Ties That Bind” is a true story of the Mohammady family and their tangled history with the Iranian resistance force known as the Mujahedin-e Khalq/MEK/PMOI/MKO.

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