Women Rights in the Mujahedin Khalq

Female defectors expose the MKO cult at the European Parliament

Today, about 1000 women are kept in the MKO/MEK/PMOI under the cult-like control of Maryam Rajavi.Batoul Soltani, Homeira Mohammad Nejhad and Zahra Moieni are the disassociated members of the MKO who attended the European Parliament in Bruxel, Belgium on the Int. Women’s Day, March 8th.During their visit with the EU representatives, they spoke of grieves and sufferings…..

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When is Rarjavi’s turn?

Awaiting the day that the polygamous Massoud Rajavi is brought to justice, Batul Soltani revealed horrific facts about her former “ideological leader” in the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/MEK/ the Cult of Rajavi). Bringing a polygamous cult leader to justice is not unheard of in today world. ….

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The MKO, an unsuccessful example in realizing women’s rights

the MKO/MEK/PMOI authorities were not allowed to hold their alleged conference on women’s rights in public halls. The Albanian government cancelled the group’s event in the Central Orthodox Church of Tirana and the French authorities also did not allow the Cult to organize its conference in the Grand Arche’ La Defence which is a governmental building in the suburb of Paris…

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Recognition of Women’s Rights according to Rajavi

Maryam Sanjabi joined the MKO/MEK/PMOI in 1986….They closed her eyes and tied her hands and threw her to a room where five other women were jailed. Maryam was shocked, she could not think of anything and do anything except crying. ”I could not believe that the organization that I had chosen with love as my ideal was treating me like this”, she writes.She was then interrogated ….

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On the occasion of Maryam Rajavi’s Women’s Day show

While Maryan Rajavi the leader of the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/ Rajavi’s Cult), is about to hold conference on the occasion of Women’s Day on Feb 27, 2016 in Paris, France to allegedly defend the right of Iranian women, one should ask her who is to save the women entangled in your cult in Camp Liberty Iraq. The entanglement that transfered the women to modern slaves that would set themselves a flame …

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The Cult of Rajavi keep members as “Non Person”

Massoud Rajavi’s similarities with other dictators originates from his cultic Now, let’s get back to Massoud Rajavi. He runs a polygamous cult, according to the testimonies of former female members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI. Batoul Soltani is one of the female victims of Massoud Rajavi whose revelations about abuses committed in the cult has become a credited source for cult experts. . This is Wikipedia’s account about this victim of the Cult of Rajavi:…

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