Women Rights in the Mujahedin Khalq

Press TV to air documentary on MKO leader’s sexual exploitation of female members

“Comrades in Arms” is the title of a documentary which is to be aired soon on Press TV. The film that was debuted in the presence of Iranian filmmakers as well as former MKO/MEK/PMOI members, investigates the sexual slavery of women and the unlawful affairs of Masouj Rajavi with female members of the cult. According to this documentary, anyone who refused Rajavi’s sexual demands would be killed.

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Situation of women in Camp Liberty

The restrictions have demoralized the women residing in Camp Liberty and have made them nervous.Massoud Rajavi has ordered the officials of the Camp to intensify the limitations against women especially after the revelations by Batoul Soltani and other dispatched members….

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Women’s rights according to Maryam Rajavi

Abusive attitude of the leaders of the Cult of Rajavi has had different dimensions; the most crucial one seems to be endured by female members of the cult. Although the self-claimed president of the MKO’s propaganda arm, Maryam Rajavi chants the slogan of “Revolutionary, Progressive, Moslem Women” among her Western brainwashed and/or paid audience, women who have recently left the MKO….

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Rajavi’s absurd claim of equality !

Maryam Rajavi’s idea about hijab is very controversial. She claims in her so-called “ten point plan for future of Iran” that women “will enjoy the right to freely choose their clothing”. However, evidences on what is really going on inside her group indicates that there is no freedom of clothing in the MKO aka MEK/PMOI camps.

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO EX-member_ Part 6

when the Rajavis got to know that the nonsense they want to push as the solution for sexual problem is not helpful, Maryam began speaking of sharing Massoud with other women in the group. “Massoud does not belong to Maryam Rajavi”, Maryam said.”He belongs to all women. All of them have the right to imagine themselves with Massoud but if they think of any other man they cheat on Rajavi .You have the best husband in the world!”..

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 5

Particularly, female superior officials who were mostly elderly, tried to meet their emotional needs by making friends among the women under their rule.The other problem caused because of sexual deprivation unfortunately led members to terrible conducts. The bitter truth is that many women in Camp Ashraf have resorted to masturbation…

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Memoirs of Nasrin Ebrahimi, MKO ex- member_Part 4

The self-criticism meetings were actually trials where you had no attorney, no right to defend yourself. You had to hear your comrades verbally abuse you. During the trial, there was no justice; nothing was fair… That was why in Ashraf the word Meeting was the equivalent of Stress and Fear. That was why, with my eyes I begged that girl who had found me listening to music, asking her not to tell it to anyone!

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Ashamed of your Leader? Silencing the victims of MKO to promote Rajavi’s phoney feminism

These women face a backlash of ‘power and money’ to stop them talking, while the same ‘power and money’ grooms the perpetrator, Maryam Rajavi, to talk about the rights of women and criticise marriage laws and say how they should be changed in the favour of women. ‘Power and money’ believe the MEK should not only be removed from terrorism lists but should be paraded in parliaments as exemplars of feminism. ‘Power and money’ are so dishonest that they cast the MEK in the role of victim..

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