Women Rights in the Mujahedin Khalq

Mrs. Maleki Letter to the US Secretary of States concerning MKO

Its ideology is a combination of Marxism and Islam.Their ideology is based on fighting against capitalism and they believe that the United States of America is the symbol of global capitalism and they call the USA ‘the World-Eater Imperialism’. Their ideological principle and objective is based on fighting against the United States and its interests, and in this regard they have written and published many books such as, The Carter Presidency (World Eater Imperialism).

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Massoud Rajavi accused of”sexual exploitation”of women

… She pointed to the plans for the sexual exploitation of the women in this cult and added:”To enable Mas’ud Rajavi to achieve his desired objective, we were directed to a lounge called the ‘X saloon.’ The floor was covered by white sheets that were attached to the carpet. The entire saloon was white. Two white armchairs were also placed in the middle of the room. …

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Diabolical Sex Abuse Practiced by MKO Leader, Massoud Rajavi

As a victim, Soltani has a unique perspective. She revealed that under this pretext of “unification with the leader,” the women[in MKO/MEK/PMOI cult] are told to revere him—and that he is the only source of truth in their lives—then they are exploited sexually..the women are simply too vulnerable, and Rajavi wants to keep them that way…According to Batoul Soltani, there are some hundreds women with the leadership council rank—many or all of whom in some way or another are being subject to form a diabolical union with the leader, Massoud Rajavi.

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PMOI Leadership Council’s women SALVATION DANCE

Ms. Soltani has been courageous enough to reveal some shocking facts on sexual abuse against women in leadership Council of MKO/MEK/PMOI by Massoud Rajavi…In this so-called Salvation Dance (nude dancing), the women of the Leadership Council were indoctrinated through cultic-religious psychological manipulation to remove all their clothes in front of their guru, spiritual leader, Massoud Rajavi..

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Complex brainwashing and indoctrination methods in the PMOI

These PMOI/NCRI/MKO/MEK Muslim women, after passing through many years under religious-cultic indoctrination, entered into the final test to show that they were ready to carry out anything desired by their leaders, even by trampling their Islamic regulations. Their nude dancing in front of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi was the final phase of their brainwashing to become committed, loyal and devoted to their gurus, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. It showed their allegiance …Massoud Rajavi is a highly lustful and salacious leader, who wants to take advantage of the women ..

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U.S. Intelligence Community: MEK trained females for suicide attacks

… “the MEK trained females at Camp Ashraf in Iraq to perform suicide attacks in Karbala”; “the MEK solicits money under the false pretext of humanitarian aid to the Iranian population”; “an August 2008 U.S. Intelligence Community Terrorist Threat Assessment, clearly states that the MEK retains a limited capability to engage in terrorist activity or terrorism”; “[t]he MEK publicly renounced violence in 2001, but …

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Massoud Rajavi wants to be worshiped as …..!!!!!!

… I remember that one of the Leadership Council, Mrs Soosan Taleghani, told us that Massoud Rajavi is Imam Hussein and Maryam is Hazrateh Zeynab. In this organization Massoud’s character was as a man without any sin and guilt and he was an innocent and sinless leader and all mistakes and sins and guilt pertained to everyone except him and his wife. Once, Mehdi Abrichamchi (Maryam Rajavi’s first husband) said in one particular organizational gathering that, “Massoud is not responsible to anyone except God for his actions and …

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The Roots of immorality molded in leader of MKO

… The echo of the statements made by Ms. Batool Soltani disclosing facts about the sexual abuse and relations of Massoud Rajavi, the leader of Mojahedin Khalq cult, with the female members had the shocking impact of a bomb explosion among the public. She made the testimony in a meeting held in support of the victims of Rajavi’s castle, Camp Ashraf. Although she did not go into very details …

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Maryam Rajavi’s background and experience

Launching her ideological revolution in the late 20th century, Maryam Rajavi took her cult to the darkest days of middle ages. She suppressed any freedom not only in Ashraf prisons but also in members’ family and personal life…In order to maintain her cult, she has no way except depriving people from their freedom. She has even theorized the issue claiming that the human’s substance was originated in evil and corruption ..

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Mojahedin Khalq, Woman and Freedom

.. Perhaps, they can never imagine that behind the laughing and friendly visage of Maryam Rajavi as well as her popular slogans on the women rights, there is a monster who looks at human, and women in particular, as crones for misleading others. They may never believe that Rajavi regards woman as an obsession … Unfortunately, the westerners usually resort to what is stated overtly rather than what is done covertly by Mojahedin aka MKO/MEK/PMOI

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