Camp Liberty

Save Enslaved MKO Members

What the group needs at the present to fuel its propaganda machine for a full move is sacrifice. Where else can MKO/MEK/PMOI leaders find a better slaughter house than Camp Ashraf to make about 3000 martyrs? In fact, those lobbying to return members to Ashraf are building the altar for MKO to scarify poor insiders…

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18 liberty residents fled the Cult of Rajavi

A number of these former MKO members who managed to run their planned escape, submitted themselves to Iraqi authorities. Some others used the opportunity to surrender to UNAMI and UNHCR officials who had come to visit the Camp. They forcefully got on UN vehicles patrolling in camp Liberty and sought refuge. Among MKO defectors, a high ranking interpreter…..

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Camp Liberty residents’ questions go unanswered

With reference to the sayings of Massoud Rajavi, one of the MEK officials said, “We lost our chance in the past election in 2009, if we lose our chance this time the overthrow of the regime will not be possible for another 8 years”. Apparently the cult had sent some sabotage teams into Iran who were arrested before they could do anything. In his internal …

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A Third Window to Freedom

When Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, made the humanitarian offer to take about 210 members of MKO, many began to consider it a promising sign that could be the beginning of an end to the residents’ sufferings and the beginning to promote cooperation of other countries and to pave the way to take more refugees. The offer was at first rejected by the group’s leaders

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Iraqi group claims responsibility for attack on MKO

In a statement, Wathiq al-Battat, a top member of Iraq’s Hezbollah movement, claimed the group was behind the mortar attack, Habilian Association reported on Sunday. It was the second attack on the remaining members of terrorist MKO in Iraq since February. The previous one took place in February 9, which led to a number of deaths and injuries. Al-Battat took responsibility …

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UN officials strongly condemn attack on camp liberty in Iraq

Martin Kobler and the country representative for the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Claire Bourgeois, said they are “deeply concerned that today’s tragic violence has occurred despite their repeated requests to the Government of Iraq to provide Camp Liberty and its residents with protective measures, including T-Walls

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MKO Members Escaping Camp Liberty

Members of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCRI) are running away from the group’s transient settlement facility, Camp Liberty, before they are sent by their leaders to other countries, an informed source disclosed on Saturday.

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