The cult of Rajavi

MKO defectors offered suicide option

A Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) defector says any member of the terrorist group who wishes to leave has no choice but to commit suicide with a cyanide pill…“It is a custom within the organization to exterminate its defectors. Such a measure on occasions has been emphasized by [MKO leader] Massoud Rajavi. Two members of the MKO leadership council were killed some 2 years ago when they wanted to desert the organization.” ..Abdullatif Shadvari, a former MKO member…

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Indispensability of Examining Sexual Abuses within the Cult of Rajavi

… Remarks of Mr. Bani-Sadr are opening a new chapter on the subject of sexual relations among the cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] leaders, and Rajavi in particular, and the reasons behind such unorthodox behaviors. This is a serious approach through which researchers can bring the subject onto the academic scene to study it from a variety of angles and to enlighten the public opinion about the cults’ threats. The taboo of avoiding such overwhelming plight…

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In Memoriam of Mahdi Fathi and others Murdered by MKO

… It is now for months that he is bedridden like a piece of meat getting weaker and weaker. He is no more than a hollow-eyed man with black rings around them and hardly able to move his limbs. The past weeks were a grueling battle of death and life, a monotony of looking at his pale face in the mirror and the lengthened silence of his room made it more intolerable. The daylight filled him with delight although it ended with a sad nightfall, but the worse was…

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Human Shields to Shelter Rajavi’s Cult Bastion

What the outsiders are not generally aware of is the methods and ploys Rajavi has developed to control the members’ lives. The watching and controlling measures that monitor the members even in their privacy never permit any risk of leaving a member alone with an outsider, be it a health caretaker or a member of his/her own family. That is why Rajavi objects to letting the member out of the camp or meeting their families alone and unsupervised

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Rajavi incites brainwashed Mojahedin to burn themselves

… In addition to the torture of the MKO members, cult leader Rajavi initiated the anti-humanitarian act …to deny families who have gathered at the camp gates from seeing their children, and on the other hand to prevent the families from checking the health of their loved ones. Iraqi police intervened last week through inspection of the [MKO/MEK/PMOI] hospital, which is part of the sovereignty of Iraq, to provide medicine and doctors. But the MKO leaders took the initiative to send members to injure themselves to prevent the entry of Iraqi police …

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MKO Starts Brainwashing Members to Stop Defection

the MKO ringleaders allege that their brainwashing plans are aimed at increasing the costs of the camp’s sealing and incarceration by the Iraqi security forces for the Baghdad government…the new measure came after protests remarkably increased inside the group. Right groups are gravely concerned that a large number of MKO members may lose their lives soon if UN, human rights and Iraqi officials do not force the group leaders to end their tortures and pressures against the dissident members.

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MKO Cult qualifies as a “Closed High Demand Group”

Members of MKO who live at Camp Ashraf, Iraq have been kept in an atmosphere of horror and isolated from the outside world—especially since the collapse of Saddam Hussein. The group was disarmed by coalition forces and their leader, Massoud Rajavi disappeared—fearing for his life, as he was a close ally of Saddam Hussein—going as far as helping the Ba’athist government exterminate hundreds of Kurds as well as plant bombs against the Iranian people. Members are so highly controlled that they are not able to trust their own families.

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MKO Ringleaders Resort to Mass Murder to Come out of Crisis

An Iraq-based right group unveiled that ringleaders of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) have resorted to various forms of mass killing in a bid to bring the group out of the current impasse in Iraq…According to a report by Iraqi daily Motamar.. the Iraqi right group has sent serious warnings to civil society and human rights bodies as well as the Iraqi government about the ongoing humanitarian disaster in the MKO’s main training camp in Northern Iraq.

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Complex brainwashing and indoctrination methods in the PMOI

These PMOI/NCRI/MKO/MEK Muslim women, after passing through many years under religious-cultic indoctrination, entered into the final test to show that they were ready to carry out anything desired by their leaders, even by trampling their Islamic regulations. Their nude dancing in front of Massoud and Maryam Rajavi was the final phase of their brainwashing to become committed, loyal and devoted to their gurus, Massoud and Maryam Rajavi. It showed their allegiance …Massoud Rajavi is a highly lustful and salacious leader, who wants to take advantage of the women ..

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Cultic identity formation in Mojahedin Khalq

… As cults [like MKO/MEK/PMOI/NCR] have developed their own principles and rules, their reactions to the outside world are based on some certain criteria different from that of other political and social organizations that have to exercise the discipline of their own in order to achieve certain objectives; however, rarely they make use of any process to forge identities. At the present, cults are largely in need of obedient and …

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