The cult of Rajavi

Rajavi, the God of Ashraf

In a strikingly similar fashion to Hassan Sabbah, in the early1980’s Massoud Rajavi, came to realize that in order to achieve organizational efficiency and maintain his own power, a system must be implemented for the MEK/MKO/PMOI. Professor Ervand Abrahamian—one of the world’s foremost experts on the cult, whose 1989 extensively researched book, The Iranian Mojahedin is still being used to educate professors, politicians and policymakers all over the world—details the cult’s history and evolution.

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Self-Immolation by the MKO Must be Re-Examined

The 2003 arrest came as part of a raid by French police, whose government felt it was a necessary reaction to the MKO/MEK/PMOI conundrum…In a bizarre show of devotion, after the arrests took place, it became clear that members continued to be forthright and obliging in their blind commitment towards their leader. Ten members, committed senseless acts of self-immolation in an extreme response to the arrest of the leader—for the sake of the leader—not for the sake of the Iranian people.

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MKO view parents as evil

During the few past days, MKO leaders had some of Camp Ashraf residents interviewed on the group’s TV channel. The show indicated the annoying systematic manipulative pressure on the group’s rank and file. Those who were interviewed on TV were mostly among those members whose families were waiting to visit them at Ashraf gates. The families were prevented from visiting their loved ones by MKO/MEk/PMOI leaders.

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Who dares to criticize MKO?

The MKO is going on the same way that led the Soviet Union to its collapse. Totalitarian organizations believe that absolute truth belongs to themselves so they should fight any person or group who do not accept their strategy and ideology. The logic of MKO leaders is based on what the conditions impose on the organization and the consequent policies they choose. ..

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Member – Leader relationship within MKO cult

The internal relation in MKO/MEK/PMOI has been based on “ambition” and “obedience” as the two faces of same coin. The “ambitions” of leaders lead to “obedience” of members. Such a notorious relationship makes a horrifying network of terror and cult-like practices. .Long term membership in such a cult paralyzes logic and common sense of individuals and paves the way for manipulative practices …member becomes an automatic machine which works under the leader’s order. Thus they are always prepared to be sent for suicide operations.

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The significance of regular inquisition within MKO cult – Part1

… The publication of Rajavi’s own presence in the management of these sessions is of very significance and may raise some speculations. It may mean the termination of his organizational-cultic hide-out to stop the disintegration of the organization, a warning for the outsiders, or his presence in camp Ashraf and …it is very likely that Masoud Rajavi is settled somewhere inside Camp Ashraf..

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