The cult of Rajavi

Predictable cultic-terrorist reaction of MKO

The world never forgets the horrible cultic self-immolations in June 003 following the arrest of Maryam Azdanlu by the French police … It seems that it is not significant how many members are to be victimized this time since it is willed by the organization leadership, this process may lead to the death of some members. What is of importance is that Iraqi officials are recommended not to submit to illegal demands of Mojahedin as did Americans and …

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Become acquainted with a sect called MKO

Maryam was the first woman to become another MKO/MEK/PMOI leader. She was the ex- wife of the second person[Mehdi Abrishamchi] of the organization. Mehdi Abrishamchi was then obliged ‘to express his great joy’ to be able to contribute to ‘the ideological association’ between his wife and Massoud Rajavi. Ebrahim believes it is the sign of a cult , the leader marries the wife of another leader in this way.

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36 detainees attend cleansing meeting after their release

The 36 Ashraf residents, who had been detained by Iraqi Police after the raid on the camp, attended their cleansing meeting under the supervision of Massoud Rajavi, following their release from Iraqi prison. The video of the meeting was aired on MKO’s[PMOI/MEK] TV channel and published on their website a few days ago but only for a short time. The video showed some of the released members attending the meeting on their hospital bed. They attended the meeting just a few hours after their release. This shows how vital indoctrination meetings are for cult leaders.

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MKO leaders are afraid of the truths that detainees found out

the 36 Ashraf residents who were arrested by Iraqi police after the raid on Camp Ashraf in July 28th,were released on Wednesday October 7th , the detainees who were on hunger strike (that was ordered by cult leaders) while they were in Iraqi prison were taken to hospital due to their crucial health problem according to MKO’s spokesperson and now they are in a kind of medical quarantine ! After about 5 days since their release there has been no special news or interviews on MKO’s/PMOI/MEK websites..

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Cultic backlash against a legal intervention

The survival of cults, and the political-terrorist groups like MKO in particular, depends mainly on their organizational as well as a dominant iron discipline that are the cause of numerous human tragedies ..the coalition forces and the Americans were so indifferent and passive toward Mojahedin that they never cared about the authoritarian approaches of MKO’s leaders exerted on MKO/PMOI/MEK Ashraf residents ..

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Requisite interaction between Iraq and quitters of MKO

The recent events in camp Ashraf shows that the Iraqi government has to use parallel levers beside the legal ones in order to control Mojahedin and set its members free from the cultic relations..The interviews with MKO former members and their eyewitnesses have convinced Iraqi officials that MKO/MEK/PMOI like other cultic groups welcomes any violent reaction as a strategic issue. .The information provided by these separated members helps Iraqi officials to recognize the objectives pursued by MKO leaders ..

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Temporal Marriage, Rajavi’s Latest Scandal

The surprising nature of Ms. Soltani statements was anticipated yet the great extent to which they have caused surprise in readers was unexpected. She implies the fact that the extent of disclosure against the organizational activities of MKO depends on the extent of direct contact and interaction of members with the top layers of the organization. In other words, the closer the detached members to the top layers, the more shocking would be the exposé of the internal relations of the organization.

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Life from a cultic perspective

cult leaders divide the world outside and inside into black and white poles and promote the belief that cultic relations end in the evolution and salvation of man and the relations of outside world result in his fatality and deviation. This viewpoint leads to the negation and violation of all social norms and values and ultimately to monopolism and dogmatism. This is a common feature of almost all cults and as Singer puts into words: On most matters, cults promote what we usually call black-and-white thinking, an all-or-nothing point of view

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Rajavis’ Cult on the net

For those MKO members who are captured by MKO in Camp Ashraf Iraq or Camp Maryam France, surfing the Internet includes a difficult process due to the sever information control dominating the cult. The members would work on the Internet only in groups of at least two people including a superior and a minor member. The limited number of websites filtered for them, are just those of the organization that advocate the cults’ cause.

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Time Control within Rajavi’s Cult

“They[MKO/PMOI/MEK] have systematically arranged hard busy work schedule for members. So that they have no opportunity to think about anything else.” Writes Mohamamd Hussein Sobhani in his memoirs ; Dark Days of Baghdad, “even our eating time was planned, for example we had a snack time at 10 pm, it was called “The 10 O’clock break”. It was time to have a cup of tea and cookies according to a long-term tradition in the history of the organization”

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