The cult of Rajavi

The walls have ears

As a member of MKO cult one can never talk to a colleague. Every working group includes a superior member and a minor one because the latter should be supervised by the former “They even force the most high-ranking members to move jointly. They say that there shouldn’t be any exclusions.”..In a mind control cult like in Nazi Germany or Communist Russia you must be careful of what you say and do;”The walls have ears”. Everyone is encouraged to watch out for”struggling”brothers and sisters and report what they see to leadership.

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Information Control within MKO Cult

The primary step to control their environment is to monitor and control the information they get because if the members’ mind could get any new information, the world the cult leaders have created for them should be damaged…As a mind control cult, Mujahedin Khalq has a long history of information control over its members, according to the testimonies of most former members of MKO Cult..

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MKO Suicide bombers

the modern history of suicide bombers started with the Mojahedin’s[MKO/MEK/PMOI] suicide attacks against Iranian authorities during 1980’s..the use of the rich philosophy of martyrdom within a cult has given new meaning to martyrdom; it has changed it into new tools for materialization of the goals of the cult. ..when the co-leader of the Mojahedin; Maryam Rajavi was arrested for few days in France, eleven members of the organization set themselves on fire in front of the French embassies in several countries

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Imaginary invaders of Camp Ashraf

As it is the case with majority of cult leaders, they always try to warn against imaginary enemies that might be jeopardizing the life of people. In most cases they threaten to strongly react in the case of any alien invasion or government intervention…The western advocates of Rajavi should take necessary precautions not to pave the way for turning MKO into another al-Qaeda or Taliban as a terrible nightmare for the US and its allies

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Required recruiting tool

“They flatter you in a way that you don’t even realize they are doing so” says Ann Singleton who has once been an MKO/PMOI member. She explains the ways the Organization treated her when it needed to recruit her;” they really put themselves on a pedestal so that when you want to join them you feel special.”Cults know that if they can control your relationships then they can control you.

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PMOI’s Intimidating leadership

To disagree with leadership is the same as disagreeing with God. The cult leaders will claim to have direct authority from God to control almost all aspects of your life..As Ann Singleton (former member of MEK/PMOI) writes in her book “ Saddam’s Private Army” ,Masud Rajavi “ implied in his speeches that if such a leader has done his job well enough, then he starts a relationship with Imam Zaman ( the last and still awaited Imam in Shiite Islam) and therefore has direct contact with God.”

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Open letter to Director of the International Lawyers

I am one of the former long time members and a veteran of this cult (PMOI) . I had been living and working with them for almost two decades…the war crime that you mentioned has already happened and occurred in this cult since long time ago. The leaders and operatives of this cult had participated and co- operated fully with the SADDAM’s suppressive forces ..We were not allowed to get in touch with our family and loved ones through mail or phone till the fall of SADDAM HUSSEIN. Many people who could not tolerate the harsh conditions and daily suppressions committed suicide .Many dissidents were turned over to Iraq authorities during SADDAM HUSSEIN’s reign and spent many years in horrendous situation in notorious prison, ABU GHORIB

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Exclusivism in the mind control system of the cults

The leaders of MKO cult, as well as ,all other cult leaders try to convince the members that their organization’s belief is the best of the world and eventually they are superior to the other people because they are saved by their leaders and they can since then be the saviors of the world. Ann Singleton, the former member of the cult of Rajavi affirms this fact:” I though I was superior to the world .. I wanted to save the world.” Howcultswork calls such phenomenon as the exclusivism in the mind control system of the cults. According to Howcultswork , the cults prevent the members from joining any other belief or ideology system. The membership in the cult matters.

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The Mind Control Gun of Mujahedin Leadership

the definition of a modern cult lays in the techniques the cults use to control the members psychologically and sometimes physically. The terrorist cult of MKO has been so successful to function the process of manipulative mind control on its members that the members are purely devoted to the cult leaders and prepared to commit any crime ( Ex. Self- immolations) along with the leaders’ objectives.

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Ideological Totalitarianism

Here, the aim is to trace the roots of totalitarianism in cults and review its mechanisms inside and outside cultic relations. In this regard, some factors that pose a challenge for totalitarianism are to be understood theoretically. Lifton refers to dispensing of existence as one of the eight psychological themes that are central to totalistic environments…

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