The cult of Rajavi

Mujahedin-e-Khalq as a religious political cult

Mujahedin-e-Khalq is considered as a religious political cult for they advocate their own version of Shiite Islam mixed with Marxism ideology. Therefore they have invented their own belief system. Besides, they have their deceptive ways to earn money including charity foundations of which some have been outlawed in Europe, so they can be called commercial too since all the members are exploited to work for free. The terrorist cult of MKO/PMOI has long been dominating its members (victims) with an illusion of a political achievement in Iran.

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Ex-member says MEK is like a cult

We have documented serious human rights abuses that the MKO was inflicting on its own members in their camp in Iraq,” said Tom Porteous, the London director of Human Rights Watch. “The organisation … has shown that criticism of leadership is certainly not tolerated..When the European Union removed a militant Iranian opposition group from its blacklist of terrorist organisations last month, it drew not only protestations from Iran but also the contempt of a former member who claims the group is little more than a cult.

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The role-play of catalysts in the Cult of Mojahedin

In MKO/PMOI, a notorious cultic group already blacklisted as a terrorist cult, a number of experienced early members play the role of catalysts. In the phase of the ideological revolution of Mojahedin, they played a key role in stabilizing the status of Rajavi as a leader. Their so-called letters of ideological revolution addressing MKO/PMOI/MEK members had a dual role. On the one hand, they elaborated on the contents of the ideological revolution and Rajavi’s determining role in the history of MKO and on the other hand, they convinced members to follow the catalysts in recognizing the cultic and ideological leadership of Rajavi.

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Cults, wonderful on the outside, manipulating on the inside

The threat made by cults must be taken as serious because this methodology requires a large-scale complicated recruitment and manipulation process to which no one is immune. Ann Singleton the British woman who was once a member of Rajavi’s cult( MKO/PMOI) believes that “the irony was that I was in a state of modern slavery. I was mentally chained to the Mujahedin… Psychological manipulation can happen to anyone, any time. If you’re lucky, you end up with a timeshare”

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Personality Cults

In Mujahedin-Khalq Organization (PMOI/MKO/ cult of Rajavi) as well as many other destructive cults, the leaders Masud Rajavi and his third wife Maryam Rajavi have turned the group – which was only a guerrilla force against Iranian regime – into a cult of personality where the members are manipulated to worship their leader as the messenger of God who gets his instruction directly from God.

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Inside view: You have to be totally dedicated

Arash Sametipour, spokesman for a Tehran-funded organisation called Nejat (rescue), which helps the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) defectors, left the MEK in 2001 after being arrested in Tehran when an attempt to kill the city’s police chief went wrong. Sametipour lost his hand while trying to kill himself by exploding a grenade. He spent nearly four years in prison.

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The City of Robots

The leaders of MKO, as well as the leaders of the other destructive cults try to make robots out of the human beings who are under their rule in order to get their ambitions. After three decades of the existence of Camp Ashraf in Diala Province, Iraq and Camp Maryam in Auvers-sur-Oise France, the two bases have turned into the cities of robots..

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