The cult of Rajavi

Organisational Divorces within PMOI

After the defeat of Mujahedin in its terrorist operations, including the operation dubbed as “Eternal Light” , the leadership in order to cover up its own weaknesses and failed strategy, declared that the reason for the weaknesses of MKO/PMOI forces was the lack of devotion and in order to remove this deficiency, it declared a series of ideological revolutions and required from the members to cut themselves from all the physical and psychological attachments in order to increase their capabilities to combat the enemy

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Instillation of Hatred in the Cult of Mujahedin

cult leaders unit members and gave them enemies to hate and comrades to love but love towards other members is replaced by hatred and disgust to prevent the formation of dissidence and objection within the cult…Many MKO/PMOI ex-members point out that they had to express their hatred to their relatives, friends and even their parents in order to pass the phases of the ideological revolution of the Mujahedin. The more hatred they showed to outsiders, the more loyal they proved to be to the leader

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Learning prohibited in the Cult of Mojahedin

Absolute pragmatism constitutes one of the main parts of controlling system in MKO or the so called PMOI. It bans any kind of study aiming at improving theoretical political knowledge..Absolute submission to leadership is considered to be one of the inseparable aspects of all political cults and that of Mujahedin. Mojahedin’s theoreticians have focused on such a feature and calling Rajavi the man of ideology within MKO/MEK, point to blind obedience of members as their sole way of salvation.

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Cultic Collective life

Collective life constitutes one of the most significant stages of human development; however, nowadays some cultist groups misuse it as a favored means through which a variety of controlling techniques such as brainwashing and mental exploitation of their members is accomplished…A kind of discipline is exercised within cults much stronger than that of army, schools, political groups, etc. Such a discipline covers all aspects of cult members’ life such as their mentality, beliefs, sleep, food, leisure time, occupation, emotional relations, blood ties…

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A matter of control and freedom

Majority of those who joined Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) and spent years and decades trapped in the leftist group could never dream that their quest for a socialist utopia would lead them to the abyss of a destructive cult of personality….a merely show of sympathy does not seem to harm anybody. But when it comes to sympathize with a cult and terrorist group to further keep and enslave its members against their will it makes different.

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Enforced internal intelligence activities in MKO

Mojahedin-e Khalq organization resorts to brainwashing and controlling techniques as well as engaging in other blameful activities such as training spies in a way different from other political and security systems…We usually strive to reveal in others the blemishes we hide in ourselves. Thus when the frustrated congregate in a mass movement, the air is heavy-laden with suspicion. There is prying and spying, tense watching and a tense awareness of being watched.

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Who cares about children in the cult of Rajavi?

Texas officials took 416 children from a polygamist retreat into state custody ..The parents in the sect are accused of being manipulated as it is normal in all sects such as MKO / PMOI where after the Ideological Revolution the spouses were indoctrinated manipulated and eventually forced to divorce and in 1990 during the first Gulf War, they were forced to leave their children under the care of the organization.

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A Cult called NCRI

In a cult, the self appointed leader is the centre of power and is the one who determines the values and goals. There is no limit to the authority of the leader. ..MKO / PMOI, taking Marxism as a model, as of its inception and during expansion of its organi-sational structure, administered itself based on democratic centralism or central rule based on majority of votes. According to the Organisation there was a transitional period between the years 1978 and 1979 and between 1979 and 1984 when Rajavi’s authoritarian rule was established and from 1984, the organisation transformed itself into a cult.

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The NCR, an alias for Mujahedin Khalq

In fact, before MKO relocation to Iraq to execute cultic relations in Camp Ashraf as its main cult bastion, the cult thought had passed its embryo stage at Auvers-Sur-Oise in Paris. The importance of Camp Ashraf for Mujahedin Khalq lies in the fact that it was the best remote and controlled spot as needed for cult activities…..The main goal was on the one hand to recruit members with no ideology or whose ideology somehow contradicted that of MKO, and on the other hand the NCR was intended to act as a catalyst between the West and MKO.

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