The cult of Rajavi

The Strives for the Freedom of Women

There hardly exist any other group in Iranian’s contemporary history as notorious as the Cult of Mojahedin that for more than three decades has deceived and enslaved a number of Iranian women and has held them against their will in a military camp in the heart of Iraqi deserts under the harshest conditions for the emancipation of women!

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Mind-control Mechanism in the Cult of Mojahedin

The reasons why a person submits to be subjected to mental, physical , psychological, and financial misuse to the extent that he/she gives up job, family, and the individual freedom are very important issues for those interested in investigating cultist mechanisms and levers. In simple words, those outside cults, out of curiosity, strive for public awareness and preventing people’s deviation as well as discovering how in an age of scientific development and communication there people

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Mind-control Mechanism in the MEK cult

finding out the nature and extent of members’ obedience in cults is one of the major issues in internal cultist relations. The reasons why a person submits to be subjected to mental, physical , psychological, and financial misuse to the extent that he/she gives up job, family, and the individual freedom are very important issues for those interested in investigating cultist mechanisms and levers. In simple words

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Autopsy of a paradoxical dealing with MKO

According to a number of political analysts, the dual stance might be the result of internal political disparities among the parties. But it has to be noted that regardless of all disparities, the parties reach a consensus when it comes to confront any alien element that imperils the country’s general interests.

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The end of modern slavery

They charged that they had been beaten and an attempt at kidnap was made by members of the MKO on 7 December 2007. They also protested to the court against the captivity of their daughter Somayeh who was taken to Camp Ashraf in Iraq in 1998 when she was 17 and charged that their son Mohammad Mohammadi was detained illegally by the MKO for five years from 1999 when he was only 15 years old.

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To Defenseless women of Ashraf

On the Occasion of International Women’s Day..Slavery, exploitation, abuse, human right violence, deceit, disappointment and fear of facing facts have made them too nervous and weak to soothe their pains. The demonstrations and gatherings of 20-30 people to support the women of Ashraf and enthusiastic speeches of Maryam Rajavi are no more useful to mollify their grieves

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An analytic view on Brainwashing phenomenon within cults

Coercion is defined as,”to restrain or constrain by force…”Legally it often implies the use of PHYSICAL FORCE or physical or legal threat. This traditional concept of coercion is far better understood than the technological concepts of”coercive persuasion”which are effective restraining, impairing, or compelling through the gradual application of PSYCHOLOGICAL FORCES.

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Brainwashing: Crime against Humanity

..he has been studying about cults and their common techniques of thought reforms since he left the organisation in 2003 and returned to Iran. He went into details of the process used by the MKO and many other cults to manipulate their members using psychological methods in order to recruit, preserve and control their followers.

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Woman brainwashed into staying at guerrilla camp

In the 1990s, the MEK was recruiting within Canada’s Iranian community and Ms. Mohammady, a refugee from Iran, volunteered with the blessing of her parents, both MEK activists.In 1997, at the age of 17, she travelled to Camp Ashraf, the MEK guerrilla base north of Baghdad from which it launched its attacks on Iran

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