The cult of Rajavi

The MEK’s solidarity with a fallen dictator

The execution of dictator of Iraq was greatly welcomed by the majority of the people in the Middle East, particularly by Iraqis, Kurds and Shia and some Sunnis such as Turkmen that had suffered mostly under the Saddam’ Regime.There was joy among Iranians and Kuwaitis whose countries were destroyed by Saddam when he attacked Iran in 1980 and Invaded Kuwait in 1991.

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Humiliation of Women in MKO

the evil of inequality, humiliation, sexual harassment, and a domineering masculine violence against women still continues to exist. The most prominent instances of violence against women are sexual slavery and social deprivation and limitations. Not only in the under-developed but also in developed countries women are subject to various physical and psychological practices of violence and pressure. Many of these victims are wives and daughters who are regarded as the possessions of the husbands and fathers.

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