The cult of Rajavi

The council and the women commission

From 1370, after the fall of the families and forced divorce, the house and the office of men and women were separated completely. The women were settled in desolate places or in castles with tall walls.
The Mujahedeen represented a plan that no man and woman allow to sit in front seat of an automobile, even the old one.

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The Decreed Self-Immolations

following Maryam Rajavi’s arrest in France, a number of Mojahedin’s sympathizers, reported 20, committed self-immolations in streets of Paris and other Western cities to obtain her liberation. Commonly believed, these acts of self-burning were organizationally preset acts of dissent dictated to the members who practiced them.

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Control of The Power

Now, I am publishing my Memories about the organization Mojaheds of People in Iran,Which is acknowledged as a Terrorist group by everyone, and The bitter events that happened To me in order that all people will Know about them and be aware Of this terrorist group.

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Why ‘freedom of thought’ is a sin in the Mojahedin?

..Why ‘freedom of thought’ is a sin in the Mojahedin?…the”Second Phase of the Ideological Revolution”in 1989, married couples and children were separated from one another in a bid to divert all personal love and affection towards the Ideological Leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi…..Inside Ashraf Camp the refectories were separated, men and women would not sit in the same car, and even the petrol station had separate timetables for men and women ..

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Letter to Mr. Tunne Kelam, MEP

Demonstrations under the name of NCRI are in fact organized by the terrorist group of the MKO (Mojahedin-e Khalq organization), which has no popular support for its cooperation with Saddam Hussein and enjoying his financial, logistical and intelligence assistance. You can verify the accuracy of this by referring to diplomatic and independent sources.

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