The MEK Expulsion from Iraq

The Parliament Determined to Expel MKO

Reported by Voices of Iraq (VOI), the Iraqi parliament on Monday discussed the presence of the Iranian Mujahdeen Khalq organization (MKO) in Iraqi territories. Stated by Mohammad al-Samerae, a number of parliament’s members presented a request to bring MKO out of Iraq, describing it as a”terrorist organization”.

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Why the MKO Doesn’t Leave Our Land?

Americans are well aware that the MKO has no popular support inside Iran and has no place. We know that the US always uses some cards against its enemies but this time it has chosen a loser card; it’s like betting on a dead horse, which has no influence on the political scene. We also know that this desperate organization is supported by both the US and groups like Al-Qaeda, Baathists and pro-Saddam elements.

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The US Achilles’ heel in War on Terrorism

The idea conjures at a time when Americans insist to accuse Iran of advocating Iraqi insurgents and escalating disorder in Iraq and believe that a total uproot of terrorism is the decisive solution to end disorder in Iraq. Regardless of Iranians’ rejecting of giving any aid to insurgents, to be optimistic, a decisive decision about MKO in itself helps to restore peace and order to Iraq.

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Mojahedin-e Khalq Must Be Expelled

Iraq’s Sunni Accord Front and Mojahedin-e Khalq organization have many things in common. They’re both acting against the interests of their people and their countries. They’re both connected to foreigners in a way or other. Both of them pursue programs that will lead to the destruction of their countries and the deaths of their people.

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The Necessity of MKO’s Expulsion from Iraq

I was proud and I said to myself that”finally, we have a powerful government that respects itself and the people; a government that is able to make decisions in order to get rid of Saddam’s remnants. Saddam gathered elements of MKO to occupy our country and gave them privileges,

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Iraqi Official and Terrorist Logic

member of”Accord Front”, took part in a TV debate with Ali Al-Dabbagh (Iraqi government’s spokesperson) on Al-Jazeera news channel to discuss the issue of MKO’s presence in Iraq…Dabbagh insisted that the group should be expelled from the country. ….Al Ayan claimed that giving shelter to exiles from neighboring countries and giving shelter to criminals and terrorists, particularly those involved in suppressing 1991’s uprising, was legal!…The comments of Al-Ayan were made in response to the services of MKO for him (they paved the way for his trip to Europe and his meetings with EU representatives).

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Iraq Intensifies Efforts to Expel Iranian Group

Now the Iraqi government is intensifying its efforts to evict the 3,800 or so members of the group who live in Iraq, although U.S. officials say they are in no hurry to change their policy toward the MEK, which has been a prime source of information about Iran’s nuclear program.

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Iraqi MP Asks for MKO Expulsion

IRNA quoted Al-Edaleh newspaper writing:”Kamal Saedi, Iraqi member of parliament from the list of Unity Coalition asked the Iraqi government to discuss the dangers of MKO’s presence in Iraq seriously.””This organization is a terrorist group and those who oppose its expulsion should take care of the group themselves,”he added.

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Voices from Everywhere, Calling for MKO’s Expulsion

Fazel Al-Shovaili, adviser of Iraq’s Deputy Interior Minister for Security Affairs Shirvan Vaeli, said:”MKO is a terrorist group with long history of killing Iraqis and enjoying privileges from Saddam government.”During a conference called”Iraq Without Terrorist Organization, sponsored by Iraq’s National Security Ministry in Baghdad, he added:”the presence of this organization is a tragic consequence left from former regime.

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