The MEK Expulsion from Iraq

Time to Expel MKO From Iraq

Danger is not limited to this. It has become more dangerous. This organization has returned to its previous status and there is coordination between the members of MKO and remnants of former regime so that with the lobby of MKO in Europe, orphans of former regime have gone to the EU.

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Iraq Set To Expel the MKO

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s cabinet had demanded that the MKO members be rapidly transferred to other countries, AFP quoted the spokesman as saying. “The presence of this organization is illegal and the cabinet has decided to put an end to it, said Dabbagh, adding,”We have given it time to prepare to leave Iraq for another country. We have left it to them to go to the country of their choice.

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six-month deadline for the members of the outfit

Al-Sheikh told IRNA that during his stay in Tehran, Talabani will exchange views with Iranian officials on promoting two-way ties, on full implementation of mutual agreements and on a host of security issues of mutual concern. He said Talabani’s Iran visit is of significance and would have drastic impact on stronger bilateral ties. Ministers of oil, education, science and technology will accompany Talabani, he added.

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Iraq Reaffirms Decision to Expel Terrorists

“Regarding the fact that many countries recognize PKK as a terrorist organization and that Iraqi constitution doesn’t allow terrorist groups to stay in Iraq, the government has decided to put an end to the presence of this movement in Iraq, to shut down all its offices and prevent it from further activities. Iraqi government will cooperate with Turkey to resolve all issues and clear the way for stronger ties.”

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Iraq Gets Rid of MKO

“Iraqi government is looking for a way to get rid of MKO, which has been left from Saddam Hussein’s toppled regime in Iraq. Despite opposing the Iranian regime, this paramilitary group has been designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the European Union and the US,”German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, wrote in an article.

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MKO Will Be Expelled Soon

Mohammed Majid al-Sheikh, Iraq’s ambassador to Iran, announced that following the new restrictions on the terrorist group of Mojahedin-e Khalq, this group will be expelled from Iraq in a near future.

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Letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister

for over twenty-five years the Mojahedin-e- Khalq had a tight relationship with the former dictatorship of Iraq under Saddam Hussein, and they not only betrayed Iranians but also your nation of Iraqi as well. There is plentiful evidence to show and affirm that in 1991, the Mojahedin stood side by side with Saddam’s forces in suppression of the Kurdish population in the north and the Shiite population in the south of Iraq.

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Terrorist Plotters Have to Leave Iraq

Affairs Shirvan Vaeli, talking on the issue of Mujahedin Khalq Organization stated:
“We are now preparing a comprehensive plan which requires approval of the government to expel the MKO from the country by the year end”.”We strongly follow up the case because the MKO seeks to hatch plots against the Iraqi nation which has angered the Iraqi people,”he underlined.

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Iraq’s Just Decision on Mojahedin

Quoting the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reported by ISNA, Iran Focus, MKO’s mouthpiece, announced that the country was working to end the presence of the Mojahedin terrorist group on Iraq’s territory. “It was decided to limit the actions of this group and confine them to Camp Ashraf, north of Iraq, and prevent their contacts with ministers and government agencies”, al-Maliki said.

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Expel Terrorist Organizations from Iraq

Abudi, a member of Iraq’s anti-terrorist community, expressed regret for terrorists’ presence in Iraq and said:”According to Iraqi constitution, terrorist groups should leave Iraq. Mojahedin-e Khalq is also a terrorist group that Iraqis wish to be expelled from their country.”

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