The MEK Expulsion from Iraq

Iraqis Want MKO’s Expulsion

History shows that terrorist MKO had an active role in former Iraqi government. Since its arrival in Iraq, MKO started to conduct former regime’s evil plans against Iraqi people.
After the fall of former regime, Iraqis heard happy news on the expulsion of this group from the country; a decision that was made by interim government but the US forces didn’t allow it.

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Clean Iraq from Terrorist MKO

The issue of the settlement of armed paramilitary groups in Iraq is also important. Some paramilitary groups in Iraq have been disarmed but other international terrorist organizations still possess weapons and everyone, familiar with politics, understands how dangerous it is for Iraq. There’s no doubt that these terrorist groups are linked to each other and there are secret ties and cooperation between terrorist MKO, Al-Qaeda and Zarqawi and other remnants of ousted Saddam regime.

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Call for the expulsion of a controversial Iranian rebel group

..where many papers have failed to publish over the past few days because of an election holiday, one daily is optimistic, while another links the vote to a call for the expulsion of a controversial Iranian rebel group.
Commentary in Iraq’s independent Al-Shahid Now that Iraqis have voted on their new constitution which has put an end to the presence of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation in Iraq,

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Talabani: MKO Should be Expelled

in a meeting with Iranian charge d’affaires in Baghdad, Mr. Talabani said the MKO/PMOI was the common enemy of Iran and Iraq, adding that: “We have also suffered from the terrorist crimes of this group. So, Iraqi government is tough in pursuing their expulsion from Iraq.”

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MKO Leaders Must be Tried

…”Iraqi people are waiting for the trial of the leaders of this group in court of justice so that their real nature and face and their ties to Saddam’s regime are revealed.”…..Stressing the need to expel the elements of the MKO from Iraq, Al-Jomhooriah wrote:”Iraqi government and leaders must take necessary measures to root out remnants of Baath regime, including the Mojahedin-e khalq.”

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