The MEK Expulsion from Iraq

Security arrangements in place for transfer of 400 MEK

Shammari said,”more than 400 MEK aka MKO/PMOI will be transferred in this sixth batch, which is expected to take place in the next 24 hours”. In a process begun in February this year to empty Camp Ashraf before removing the MEK members from Iraq, the MEK leader Massoud Rajavi has several times stalled the movement of his followers…

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Iraq to expel 6th convoy of MEK terrorists

According to the reports from Iraq, sixth convoy of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, a.k.a. MEK and PMOI) is going to be relocated from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty today.The report comes as the ringleader of the terrorist group had set August 23 for the relocation of its members from Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty.

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U.S. bids to resettle MKO in Israel

Sources say that terrorist MKO/MEK/PMOI group’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, along with other high ranking members of the terrorist group had a meeting earlier last week to explore ways to convince the European countries to accept the members of the terrorist group who are being held at Camp Ashraf and Liberty.

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Iraqi government issues deadline to evacuate Ashraf

Having faced defiance of the MKO to peacefully leave the camp, Iraqi government is now trying to use other legal ways to totally evacuate Camp Ashraf…member of Iraq’s State of Law Coalition Adnan al-Siraj told al-Alam on Sunday that Iraqi government has issued warning to the MKO to get prepared to be transferred to a new camp close to Baghdad Airport and from there to outside Iraq.

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Liberty conditions comply with UN living standards

Time is running out to find a sustainable situation,” Mr. Kobler said, urging the Camp Ashraf residents to cooperate with the Iraqi authorities and to relocate. He also urged Member States to offer resettlement to eligible former Ashraf residents, as “without prospect for resettlement the ongoing process runs the risk of collapsing.”..

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Iraq’s patience WEARING THIN with Iranian exiles, UN says

Time is running out to find a sustainable solution. The government’s patience is wearing thin,”said Kobler, who heads the UN mission in Iraq (UNAMI).”Recent weeks have witnessed difficulties in maintaining dialogue between UNAMI and the residents, and between the residents and the government of Iraq, reinforcing a perception that the residents lack a genuine will”to move,..

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Zionist Lobbies Forcing Europeans to Accept Sheltering MKO Terrorists

the official in charge of MKO/MEK/PMOI Foreign Commission M. Mohadethin has so far held several meetings with different Zionist communities and lobbies in the US and the EU, including JNFA (The Jewish Federations of North America), AIPEC(The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and INSS (Institute for National Security Studies) and these organization’s Arab affiliates, demanding special attention and aide to the MKO.

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PM, UN Special Envoy Agree to End MKO’s Presence in Iraq

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the UN Secretary-General’s Representative in Iraq Martin Kobler agreed to put an end to the dossier of MKO..The presence of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) in Iraq has become a bone of contention in the ties between Iraq and the US..

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Kobler-Maliki agree to move MKO

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and the Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq Martin Kobler agreed to close the file on the Mojahedin Khalq organisation aka MKO/MEK/PMOI and move them accordance with established deadlines. The statement said …

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