The MEK Expulsion from Iraq

Where will MEK enter Iran from?

In order to penetrate into Iran MEK militants need to use territories of neighbor countries. However, permission of neighbor countries for it is not required. They may apply various methods that the terrorists use like entering different countries under different names through which they can enter Iran..Azerbaijan itself would be interested in cooperation with Iran to prevent MEK militants

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Washington Asks Riyadh to Shelter MKO Terrorists

Sources in the Saudi opposition said that the US is in secret talks with Saudi Ambassador Adel Al-Jubeir to Washington to ask Riyadh to shelter members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) aka MEK/PMOI after the European countries refused to cooperate with the White House in this regard.

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Iraq: Camp Ashraf to be closed in coming days

He also referred to MKO terrorist group, saying,”As we know Iraqi government is determined to transfer and expel the group from the country and Camp Ashraf.”Iranian official noted two thirds of the group have been transferred to Camp Liberty, a placement for their transfer to other countries, and the rest would be transferred soon…

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Dealing with Terrorism Conundrum in Iraq

Neither exiles nor refugees, MKO is the most unwelcome leftover of Saddam’s tyranny whose expulsion the Iraqi government deems to be tantamount to a strict counter terrorism measure in a violence afflicted country. Since the fall of Saddam, The Iraqi government has been busy hunting down the remnants of his regime, with whom MKO has been undeniably reported to have established close connection..

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MKO Facing a Dilemma in Iraq

The problem with Mojahedin Khalq Organization MKO/MEK is that it defines any made gesture of humanitarian, goodwill or sympathy towards it as a granted statutory right that has to be recognized and fought for universally. The relationship between the group’s American advocates and the leadership…

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Procrastination, the Fancied Chance of MKO

there is not plenty of time for MKO/MEK/PMOI and it is well aware of the fact that despite it is procrastinating, it will eventually have to actually submit to the transfer of the reminders. Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the group, in his message addressed to residents before the transfer of the third group, asked them to abide by the promises to be relocated to TTL…

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Possibility of Relocating MKO to Azerbaijan

High-ranking political and security officials of Azerbaijan are well aware of Iran’s high sensitivity to these two terrorist organizations, especially the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI and they can easily predict the outlook and consequences of such a measure. Therefore, if the government of Azerbaijan really seeks to reduce tension…

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