
Open letter to the Honorable Gerard Collomb, French Interior Minister

My name is Reza Jebelli. I am a former member of Rajavi cult, who had been for most of my life in captivity both physically and mentally in Iraq in Ashraf Garrison for many years. I have learned through my friends that Maryam Rajavi is scheduled on July first to celebrate the anniversary of armed conflict, terror and killing people, to overthrow Iranian government and to establish an Islamic caliphate …

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Mujahedin-e Khalq victims meet Segolene Royal in Tehran

Ms. Segolene Royal welcomed and appreciated the documentations’ on the MKO/MEK/PMOI Cult as well as the group’s hostages’ families’ pleas offered to her by the MKO victims’ representatives. The French minister is on a three-day visit to Iran…It’s worth mentioning that Ms. Royal received a campaign endorsement from Mujahedin-e Khalq group in 2007 as a French presidential candidate

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ISIL terror alarms France to Mojahedin Khalq threat

The reason why the French might be doing this now I would think has something to do with ISIS and the events in Syria and Iraq. When you see a group like ISIS which is similar in many ways to the terrorists of the MEK, obviously there is a feeling in the MEK I would guess that they have got to get involved, that they have got to contribute, they have …

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