
France condemns anti-Iran MKO terrorists

On Friday, French Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal criticized the MKO aka MEK/PMOI for “its violent and non-democratic inspirations,” its “cult nature,” and its “intense campaign of influence and disinformation.”Paris also warned about the growing lobbying and disinformation campaign being conducted by the MKO…

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Mojahedin Khalq Organization of Iran

France has no contact with the “People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran” which is known for its use of violence. It has no legal existence in France as an organization. Its violent and undemocratic Ideology has been exposed by several human rights organizations, such as Amnesty International who have reported on …

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France warns against”disinformation”campaign by MKO

“France has no contact with the Organisation of the People’s Mujahideen of Iran which is known for resorting to violence,”Foreign Ministry spokesman Romain Nadal stated here.This group has”no legal existence in France in the form of an Organisation,”Nadal stressed.He warned that the Iranian opposition movement has”a violent inspiration”and…

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Open letter to the President of French National Assembly

As you know, Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (aka; MKO, MEK, NCRI,…) have booked a salon in Parc des Exposition de Villeprinte to celebrate the start of their terror activities in June 1981 killing many civilian people. 17 June is also the aniversary of the arrest of Mrs. Rajavi alongside 164 other Mojahedin Commanders …

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Nejat Society Letter to French MEP

The group authorities annually spend large amounts of money to hire speakers and attendees for the gathering of June. You may want to take a look at the audience in the MKO gatherings to get to know about the number of Iranians and non-Iranians present there! You may want to ask the speakers at the gathering about their speaking fees!

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France supports transferring MKO members outside Iraq

France expressed support over transferring members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization outside Iraq, underlining its readiness to take part in coordination with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)…French Foreign Ministry Spokesman Philippe Lalliot as saying that his country supports the UN plan to move the MKO to a third country.

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Iranians critical of MEK terrorist group seek protection

An open letter has been written by Iranians resident in France to French authorities asking for protection against the Mojahedin Khalq terrorist operatives in that country. The letter shows how a fabricated report by the MEK said to be from The Pentagon is being used to legitimise the physical elimination of critics and survivors of the Rajavi cult. The report names two of Saddam’s torturers..

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