
French Assembly, Why did you invite Maryam Rajavi?

When Mrs Maryam Rajavi speaks about human rights, you should know that there are 3200 MEK members who have been held captive in Iraq in Camp Liberty on her direct order. Of this total more than half are willing to return to their normal life, if allowed their freedom. Currently, members who show any hint of dissent and those who want to separate from the MEK …

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The recent actions of Rajavi’s gang in France

France now is on the eve of an important exam. Its governors should know that with the closure of the MeK’s main camp in Iraq, their country will be the center of this terrorist group- whether its individuals could take asylum or not, and Auvers-sur-Oise will be the center of their terrorist acts. So, the best option for France is following the Iraqi government to expel the MeK.

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French security forces arrest 16 MKO terrorists

several MKO defectors staged a rally in the Saint-Michel square in the southern suburbs of Paris on Friday to voice their resentment at the terrorist activities of the anti-Iran group. They were, however, confronted by a number of MKO members wielding knives, snap-off blade cutters, chains and baseball bats. Police later intervened to contain the violence, detained all 16 MKO members..

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Has France become a haven for the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq?

Commanders and members of the PMOI/MKO/MEK, located in Auvers sur Oise, are included on the blacklist of Canada, the USA and Australia. How come these people are free in France even though they are planning terrorist operations against Iranians? The U.S. State Department and Human Rights Watch reported that the Rajavi cult mistreated dissidents…

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Mojahedin Khalq final destination is France

The PMOI aka MKO/MEK forces ,by different pretexts and by taking refuge , have begun coming to Europe and their final destination will be France . They will continue using their method such as deceit, threat , and violence against the critics by taking advantage of the democracy and freedom which exist in Europe specially in France. They will continue their terrorist methods . They will continue threatening and intimidating their critics and victims by …

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To the President of the European supreme court of justice

The French government has a very good recognition of the pmoi activities which its headquarter based in Auvers-sur-Oise .The French government has distinguished perfectly that pmoi is a terrorist organization. For this reason Maryam Rajavi with other 160 pmoi operatives and officials along with a great amount of documents( such as 8 million euro which was inside a drawer of Maryam Rajavi’s worktable and many plans ..

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Rajavi relocates Camp Ashraf to France

We would like also to mention that all cults need an isolated place with high walls to carry out and implement the brainwashing technique on their members , the Ashraf castle in Iraq and Auvers sur Oise castle in France have provided for such purpose for pmoi aka MKO/MEK terrorist cult . At the end we would like all the French politicians , the former representatives and members of French parliament and the deans of the French universities, ..

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France step nearer to putting MKO back on EU list

… the Advocate General, nevertheless, does not find France’s position unreasonable. In strict accordance with the General Court’s Rules of Procedure it was not possible for that Court to offer the Council any assurance that the confidential information would not, at some point, have to be communicated to PMOI. As a result Advocate General Sharpston suggests that changes be made to the Rules of Procedure and principles be outlined so as to allow the use of such confidential information where necessary to combat terrorism whilst simultaneously ensuring respect of the rights of defence and the right to effective judicial protection …

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Ms. Batoul Maleki Open Letter to president of France On MKO

… Pmoi has incarcerated and tortured many of my comrades even they killed some of them. Some of my comrades had been sent to the Iraqi notorious prison , Abu ghorib, and later those comrades were exchanged with the Iraqi soldiers who were prisoner of war in Iran in a transaction with Iranian regime , meaning , the PMOI dissident members who were incarcerated in Abu ghorib were exchanged with the Iraqi soldiers who were prisoners of war in Iran .PMOI by the direct order of Saddam Hussein also participated in killing of many Iraqi Shea and Kurds …

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