
Is France doing Washngton’s Dirty work?

France has dropped charges against two dozen members of the notorious Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) that were arrested and charged back in 2003. In June 2003, French anti-terrorist police rounded up 165 MKO members in and around Paris for associating with criminal elements in connection with committing terrorist acts. French investigators announced on Thursday they have decided to drop terror charges against 24 of the detainees, the Associated Press reported. However, judiciary officials said that nine members remained under investigation for financial crimes, including financing terrorist groups …

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Court Session Held in Paris on French Intelligence Support for MKO

..Yves Bonnet, the former Member of the French National Assembly and Director of the DST, and MKO’s ringleaders as well as head of the publication that published the fake book were found guilty.Yves Bonnet had paid several visits to MKO’s main training camp, the Camp of New Iraq (formerly known as Camp Ashraf) in Iraq’s Northern province of Diyala..The session was held on March 10 after three individuals who were named in a fake book as elements of the Iranian regime filed a complaint.

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Open letter to the Minister of Justice, Ms. Michèle Alliot-Marie

… Taking into account the self immolations, carried out on the streets of France on 17 June 2003 by members of the PMOI in order to intimidate the French judiciary after the arrest of Maryam Rajavi, and collaboration of the cult with Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq who left the trace of several crimes in Iraq and Iran and, the terrorist operations admitted by the PMOI/MKO/MEK inside Iran and the long wait of the families of the Camp Ashraf residents for several months behind the closed doors of the camp, and …

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Paris court summons two Mojahedin Khalq members

… The 55-year-old Mahmoud Alami and 51-year-old Hossein Amini-Qolipour who are the members of the terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO, MEK, Rajavi cult) were summoned to face charges of encouraging a woman to commit suicide. The MKO staged a protest in June 2003 against the French police raid on the MKO Headquarters in Paris…

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Ancient Iran Association writes to Bernard Kouchner

… France is among the countries which in war against terrorism is in the front line, so according to this fact how can it tolerate and bear such a terrorist and bloodthirsty organization on its soil? The organization which perpetrated the assassination of American Colonels and Generals …

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French court rules against Mojahedin Khalq advocate

Mr. Yves Bonnet, former Member of French National Assembly and Director of the French Counterterrorism Agency (DST), has been fined and was ordered to pay compensation in a libel case on February 11, 2010. He was warned that further infringements would attract even more severe punishments. The defamation case was brought by Mr. Ehsan Naraghi, Mr. Jahangir Shadanlou and Mr. Manouchehr Shalali against Mr. Yves Bonnet who had falsely accused ..

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Open letter to Nicholas Sarkozy

… The leaders of this notorious and horrifying cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] also has ordered the incursion and assault to the critics and protesters of the cult’s fascist and criminal policies in their peaceful and enlightening gatherings which is directly controlled and supervised by the cult’s leaders in Auvers-sur-Oise …Mr. President , we urge you to put an end to the measures of this felon and inhumane cult in your country..

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The Iranian Pen Club letter to the France Minister

we wish to express the sincere gratitude of the Iranian Pen Club for your enlightening response to Written Question of Mr. Jean-Pierre Chevènement. ( published in the OJ Senate 10/09/2009 – page 2110 )..We strongly believe despites of MKO had been using the French soiled for their terrorist activities .but because of vast knowledge and experience of French authority of the MKO aka MEK/PMOI terrorist organization for past two decade, that made them the most series elements to prevent expansion of violence and terrorism in France..

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Is France doing Washington’s Dirty work? also remember how the MKO responded. With orchestrated self immolations – especially those outside the Interior Ministry in Paris … I would like to know what steps your Government is willing to take to secure the safety and security of anti-terrorism activists who are being threatened by every possible means by the notorious Mojahedin-e Khalq organisation HQ in your country …

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