
French Judiciary Prosecutes MKO

The Foreign Ministry Director for West European Affairs noted that France’s stance ran counter to Tehran’s agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency on a timetable to answer outstanding questions about its nuclear activities.The Foreign Ministry strongly protested over France’s push for another UN Security resolution

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France to Probe Killing of Iranian

French authorities plan to investigate the 1999 killing of a top Iranian general, which was claimed by an Iranian opposition group based in France, judicial officials said Monday.Brig. Gen. Ali Sayyad Shirazi, deputy chief of the joint staff command of the Iranian armed forces, was gunned down in April 1999 in front of his home in Tehran by men dressed as city cleaners

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Nejat Society Letter to The Ambassador of the Republic of France in Tehran

We wish to inform you that on 17 June 2007, about 50 members of a proscribed terrorist cult named the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organisation (MKO), who had been dispatched from Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherlands and Germany, attacked a seminar organised by the Association for Supporting the Emigrants and Iranians in France. The venue was at FIAP in the 14th District of Paris.

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Iranian Woman Vs. MKO in French Court

French judicial sources announced that an Iranian woman, who was injured in a terrorist operation by MKO in 2000 in Tehran, met French investigator after fours years of filing her complaint,”AP reported from France. Osaneh Mahmoudi had filed a complaint against terrorist organization of Mojahedin-e Khalq in France in 2003, because she had been injured in

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Anniversary of Raid on a Sect

The leafy rue des Gords in this little market town north of Paris hardly lives up to its reputation as a new world capital of terrorism. It was here that hundreds of police smashed open the doors of suburban houses in a dawn raid which the French claimed had pre-empted worldwide strikes by the militant Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mujahideen.

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Nejat Society Letter to Ms Ségolène Royal

As you may already be aware, the MKO under the leadership of Mas’ud and Maryam Rajavi actively took part in the French presidential campaign in the favour of the Socialist Party and your candidacy. This of course by no means has anything to do with the ideology or internal and international policies of the French Socialist Party. MKO has proven to be a terrorist cult with extreme opportunistic attitude toward political affairs.

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MKO’s Days in France Might Be Counted

Of the diplomatic controversies that have clouded French-Iranian relations, which Nicolas Sarkozy has on his political agenda to improve, was the issue of MKO. Darius Kadivar, a freelance journalist, in an article released in persianmirror makes a short reference to the issue and is of the opinion that the days of MKO in France may well be counted with Sarkozy who is anti-communist.

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New Charges Added to MKO’s Criminal Case

report from Paris on Wednesday indicate that prosecutor general has asked the court to add money laundering and fraud charges to the case, which includes connection with terrorism and saboteur groups. According to the report, prosecutor has submitted this request to anti-terror court on March 19.

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