
‘The Association of Criminals’

The judge in France, who is prosecuting Rajavi’s gang for illegal and criminal charges, has rightly called this group”The Association of Criminals”.
This, above all, shows the depth of the judge’s recognition of the nature and behavior of the MKO.
Abulghassem Rezaee, one of 17 members of this association, has given some explanation about the recent decision of the appeals court (to lift some restrictions on MKO), which itself displays the critical situation of MKO in France.

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The Guest Who Rebukes the Host

On 16 June 2003 the French best-known anti-terrorist judge Jean Louis Bruguiere and his team, following a 14 hours interrogation that had started at 15.30 hour local time on 16 June 2003, issued a detention order accusing the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the political umbrella group dominated by the MKO, blacklisted as a terrorist group by the US, the EU, and other countries, of”terrorist activities, association with a terrorist organization and financing terrorist operations”.

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