
Iranian MP: U.S. orders UN chief to save MKO terrorists

An Iranian lawmaker has criticized the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s recent call on countries to grant asylum to the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO). “The MKO terrorist cell is under the guardianship and leadership of the US, and the UN chief has asked UN member states to give asylum to the MKO based on…

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Western HR Prizes, the other side of the coin of supporting MKO terrorists

Larijani rapped the double-standard polices and behavior of the western states towards the human rights issues in Iran. On one hand, the western states shelter and support terrorist groups like the MKO (also known as the MEK, NCR and PMOI) and the PJAK terrorist group and cooperate with the US in imposing unilateral sanctions against Iran which have inflicted great losses on the Iranian people and is a blatant violation of human rights, .

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US delisting terrorist MKO ‘shameful’

An Iranian lawmaker has condemned as “shameful” Washington’s decision to remove the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from the US State Department’s list of terrorist organizations…Members of the MKO, who had murdered over 17,000 Iranians since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, fled to Iraq in the 1980s, where they had the support of former Iraqi dictator

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Iran Has Detailed Information on West’s Support for MKO

At present, we have precise information displaying that the US and sometimes European countries provide Monafeqin (hypocrites as they are called in Iran) with abundant facilities and equipments,”Moslehi told reporters in Tehran on Monday, adding that Iran has envisaged and implemented plans to confront such supports and plots. ..

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Iran condemns US for ‘double standards’ over MEK terror de-listing

“There are numerous evidence of the group being involved in terrorist activities. De-listing them shows America’s double standard policy on terrorism,”state TV said. The US distinguishes between”good and bad terrorists”and the MEK are now”good terrorists because the US is using them against Iran,”the report also said, adding that Washington and Israel use the group to spy on Iran’s nuclear program…

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Iran says it can prosecute U.S.

A judiciary spokesman said the U.S. Department of State violated international standards by removing the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization from the list of terrorist organizations that can be legally prosecuted, the Iranian state-run Fars News Agency reported Monday.MKO is behind numerous assassinations and bombings within the country because of its alleged role in helping Iraq in its 1980-1988 war with Iran,

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Iran files complaints against MKO leaders

Iran’s Ambassador to Iraq Hassan Danaeifard says Tehran has filed lawsuits with Iraqi courts against the leaders of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO).More than 145 complaints have been filed in Iraq against the MKO terrorist group and they all must be dealt with in the courts, Danaeifard said on Saturday.

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