
Iraq objects to EU interference in the issue of Camp Ashraf

The Minister expressed the reservation and objection of the Iraqi government to the request of the European Commission to designate a special representative to Camp New Iraq (formerly Ashraf) but stressed that the government of Iraq has consistently appealed to and asked European countries and other countries to receive and resettle residents of the camp in their countries. He also stressed that the government is committed to close the camp..

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Deputy Foreign Minister emphasizes Iraq’s decision to close Camp Ashraf

“Iraq’s position stems from its commitment to the rules of international law and humanitarian law. Iraq is ready to cooperate with the [UNHCR] Representative to find realistic and humanitarian solutions for the inhabitants of the camp”. Concerning Camp Ashraf, Abawi said,”The [Mojahedin/MKO/MEK/PMOI] organization is a terrorist organization as classified by the United States and Europe,…

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senior Iraqi cleric: MKO must leave Iraq by 2012

Leader of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Ammar Hakim, has said that the members of the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) based in Iraq must leave the country by the end of 2011. Elsewhere in his remarks, Hakim stated that the security situation in Iraq has improved and the Iraqi forces have become more equipped and are capable of identifying terrorists

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Iraq to resolve the Camp Ashraf file by end of the year

that the presence of an Iranian opposition group in Iraqi territory is in contradiction to the terms of the Iraqi constitution and most political communities, but that some in the United Nations and the European Union and U.S. forces are demanding the survival of the organization and provide support and stability to it.”After clashes earlier between Iraqi security forces and members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq (aka PMOI) ..

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Iraqi victims of MKO to collect signatures to expel the group

… Mr Nafee-Issa said that”the Committee is working to collect a large number of facts that show the crimes of this organization and what caused the killings of civilians in Iraq since 1986 till 2003.”He added that”organized crime continued after 2003 as a result of political interference in the affairs of Iraq by creating sectarian strife.. Camp Ashraf, or as it is now known camp New Iraq, houses thousands of Iranian fighters of the MKO/MEK/PMOI …

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Baghdad conference discusses legality of MKO presence

During the conference the organizers and the attendees stated that they have sent a request to Iraqi government to expel the MKO saying that they launched a campaign to collect one million signatures to be attached to the request.They also reminded the Iraqi policy makers of what they called the crimes committed by MKO/MEK/PMOI against the Iraqi citizens under Saddam regime.

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Ali Jahani open letter to the Iraqi PM Nouri Al-Maliki

In your recent interview with the news network, Al alam , you mentioned that some of the western countries have supported this organization financially consequently you want to make a complaint against those countries. Your decision is very great and admirable and I believe the main criminal in this issue is United States of America because of its support of this terrorist organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] on Iraq soil without consideration of the will of Iraqi people ..

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US puts pressure on Iraqis to keep the MEK terrorist group

.. a number of Iraqi officials and ordinary people came together in capital Baghdad to talk about the MKO presence in Iraq . he attendees stated that the brutality of the MKO members against the Iraqis in the 1991remind them of the bloody era of the dictator Saddam which lasted more than thirty five years. The organizers said that the Iraqi government has decided to give the MKO members six months time to leave the country. Many others showed frustration toward the intervention of the US …

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Iraq orders MKO terrorist group to return occupied land

… Sheikh Ali al-Zahiri, head of the support council of the Iraqi city of Khalis, said on Tuesday that the Diyala Province court has ordered the terrorist group to return 5,000 hectares of land located inside Camp Ashraf, where the MKO terrorists are located, to the Iraqi owners, IRIB reported. The outlawed MKO fled to Iraq in the 1980s, where it enjoyed the support of executed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and set up Camp Ashraf in the northeastern town of Khalis, Diyala. The court ruling also required the MKO to pay compensation to 150 Iraqi families for the terrorist group’s illegitimate use of the land over the past three decades …

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Iraq to sue states supporting MKO

“Iraq will sue those governments that support the MKO in order to harm Baghdad,”Maliki said at a Saturday press conference, Al-Alam news network reported.”The Western states put the MKO on the list of terrorist groups for its crimes against Iraqi people, but they support it now,”he noted.Maliki was referring to a recent decision by a Spanish court to summon the Iraqi premier regarding the incidents in Camp Ashraf — where the MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorists are currently located — in April…Iraq does not recognize the Spanish court’s order.

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