
New committee to follow”Mojahedin Khalq”file

… The Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defense, revealed Thursday, that his committee had agreed with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to form a committee to follow up the file of the MKO. He also agreed to raise the financial budget of the military institutions. Said Hassan Sanead, told the Kurdish news agency that the Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defense met with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as a leader of the armed forces and discussed with him the three major security files of the country. ..

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MEK’s U.S. Congress lobbyists expelled from Iraq as”undesirable”

… Members of Congress who had been in Baghdad on an official visit were expelled from Iraq on Friday. According to reliable sources the government decided to expel a delegation, chaired by [Rep. R-Calif.] Dana Rohrabacher, as undesirable elements. The U.S. Congress called on the Iraqi government to pay compensation for losses to the U.S. army in Iraq, pointing out that the U.S. government cannot afford to incur huge amounts of financial expenditure in light of the current economic hardship…

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Zebari assures Eu ambassadors of humanitarian services to Camp Ashraf

Zebari in Baghdad met with EU ambassadors to Iraq and discussed the joint relations and the political situation in Iraq and Arab countries… Minister Zebari reviewed his government’s plans and programs during the next stage. He also addressed the issue of Camp Ashraf, which houses members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization/MKO/MEK/PMOI. Zebari said that the authorities are in full control have taken a series of measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian services, health care and food to residents of the camp …

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Iraq determined to close Camp Ashraf

Iraq’s foreign minister says Baghdad is determined to close Camp Ashraf and expel Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) terrorists from the country. “We have called on the international community and European countries to accept residents of the Camp Ashraf so the camp could be closed,” Hoshyar Zebari .Earlier in May, the US proposed a plan to relocated Camp Ashraf residents to other parts of Iraq before their final resettlement in third countries.

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Zebari:Iraq has decided to close Camp Ashraf

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari says the decision to shut down the Camp Ashraf has been made by his country’s government…Zebari said that Iraq has asked the international institutions and European countries to accept the MKO members after they are deported.Ibrahim Jafari, a former Iraqi prime minister and a sitting lawmaker, also says the demand for expulsion of MKO was made by all Iraqi groups and people…The Iraqi people have no positive image of the MKO members and that is the reason behind their demand, he noted.

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Hundreds in Diala protest against Mojahedin Khalq

… Hundreds of Diala residents staged on Friday a massive protest in front of Ashraf Camp demanding to deport members of the Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) out of the province, Khales mayor said. “The protestors called for deporting the members of the organization for their involvement in supporting armed groups and destabilizing the security condition in Diala,” Uday al-Khadran told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.The members of the organization live in a fenced-off camp in Diala, north of Baghdad. The MKO, which began as part of the Iranian resistance to Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi’s rule in the mid-1960s …

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Iraqi people want MEK terrorists out of Iraq

Al-Masar television presented a one hour live discussion on the topic ‘people want Monafeqin Khalq terrorists out of Iraq’. (The term Monafeqin is a religious term meaning hypocrites and is the preferred name among Muslims for the Iranian Mojahedin-e Khalq cult.)Guests, Mrs Ahlam al-Maliki, head of the Baghdad based humanitarian NGO Baladiyeh Foundation and Anne Singleton, leading expert on the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist cult..

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MEK Terrorists Interfering in Iraq Democratisation

… Anne Singleton, a leading expert in the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist group, exposed the involvement of the MEK in disrupting this process. Since 2003, Iraq has held three free and fair democratic elections said Singleton, but the MEK is backed by elements in the US and Israel which want to impose their own agenda on Iraq. For this reason, the MEK, which occupies the only remaining untouched infrastructure of the former Saddam regime, has been active in training terrorist groups such as Al Qaida at its base in Diyala province, Camp New Iraq (formerly Ashraf). The MEK has also groomed and facilitated loyalists of the former Saddam regime to …

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Iraq FM: Western Countries Who Care About MKO Can Take Them

Following a raid by the Iraqi military on the headquarters of the terrorist group the People’s Mujahedin of Iran, Iraq’s Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari has suggested that “countries who care about the fate and human rights of this group’s action … should welcome them and they should resettle them in their countries.”

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Iraq: MKO presence violates constitution

Iraq’s foreign minister says his country will not allow the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) to use Iraq’s soil as a launchpad to conduct its terrorist activities. ..“So they have to abide by Iraqi rules and regulations, and we have called on European countries and others to resettle these peoples in their countries, for them to go on and continue their struggle. In Iraq, their presence is unacceptable,” Iraq’s top diplomat added.

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