
Iraqi protesters in front of Camp Ashraf

..The protesters who had come from Basra, Tekrit, Baghdad and Diyala called for the expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq whose presence they said was a source of instability ..The Iranian relatives of some MKO members also joined the protesters, to ask for the release of their family members who are said to be held inside the camp against their will. According to a Human Rights Watch report, the group puts defectors under torture or in jail.

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Mujahedin Khalq as a bargaining chip for Allawi bids

Sources close to Iraqi political bloc al-Iraqiya said leader Iyad Allawi in October had attempted to persuade Iran to support his bid for prime minister but that Iran rejected the request .. In the request, Allawi said if Iran helped him, he would expel members of anti-Iranian militant group Mujahideen-e-Khalq/MEK/MKO/PMOI and would support further expansion of bilateral ties.Tehran’s answer was that the post of prime minister is an internal Iraqi issue.

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Open letter in solidarity with the Iraqi and Iranian victims of MKO

… We are now increasingly aware that MEK leader Massoud Rajavi is denying seriously ill members from accessing life-saving medical treatment because he benefits from the publicity surrounding their deaths … As the people of Iran and Iraq are the most affected by the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by Massoud Rajavi and his wife and lieutenant Maryam Rajavi, it is very difficult to see how they can be pardoned in these countries (considering the social problems which come with bloodshed). Therefore it is only fair to ask Europe and America, where we have witnessed extensive favours toward the group, to take and house the remaining aging people trapped in this camp …

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Iraqi protesters demand MKO expulsion

Iraqi protesters in the north of the country have called for the expulsion of anti-Iranian terrorist group Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from Iraq. Scores of protesters gathered outside Camp Ashraf in Diyala on Friday and called for the expulsion of the notorious MKO terrorists from the country, a Press TV correspondent reported. MKO members responded by throwing rocks at the demonstrators.

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Iraqis Protest outside MKO’s Camp in Iraq

A group of Iraqi people gathered outside the main training center of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq to call for the expulsion of the terrorist group from the country’s soil…Iranian relatives of some MKO members also joined the protesters, calling for the release of their family members who are said to be held inside the camp against their will..Iraqi Foreign Minister expressed hope that Baghdad would expel the anti-Iran terrorist Organization..

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Mojahedin Khalq and US join forces to stop Iraqi’s legitimate protest

… Vice-Chairman of the Diyala Provincial Council, said that”the popular demonstration which was attended by hundreds of people from the province in front of Camp New Iraq (formerly Camp Ashraf earlier), came to express the popular demand which calls for removal of the MKO from the country.”Mr. al-Husseini, a leader in the Islamic Supreme Council called on”the central government to listen to the demands of protesters and meet them,”describing the MKO as a”nightmare …

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Iraq’s constitution does not allow MKO terrorist in the country

… saying that”the Iraqi Constitution does not allow the existence of any armed organization on our land to exercise acts against another country. Zebari said that”the Mojahedin-e Khalq terrorist organization is like many other armed terrorist organizations,”adding that”the government is determined to impose its sovereignty and not allow any party to impose its policy orientations.”The civil society organizations from different provinces of Iraq, had organized a demonstration on 11 December last, in front of Camp Ashraf..

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Iraqi parliament leaves Saddamists and Mojahedin Khalq in the cold

… the al-Iraqiyya members had wanted parliament to pass a motion to remove the stigma of Baathism which had barred four of the coalition’s key figures from taking political office. Although not opposed to Mr Talabani’s re-election itself, they had wanted the motion to be passed before the election of the president.”We boycotted the session because we showed good intentions to others, but they stabbed us in the back,”Saleh al-Mutlak, … But despite the walk-out, the parliamentary session continued and MPs went on to re-elect Mr Talabani …

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