
McCain, Al-Maliki meeting in Baghdad rising hopes for the victims of MKO

..Involvement in a civil war in which it took a strong anti-American and anti-Western stance, was a more extreme leftwing movement than Iran’s Tudeh Communist Party, and regularly used terrorism and assassination during the struggle for power..Involvement in a Saddam Hussein funded and supported military movement attacking Iran during the Iran-Iraq War, and in maintaining such a military movement on Iraqi soil during and after the invasion of Kuwait. Continuing involvement in a low level struggle of terrorism and …

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Baghdad will host the Black Plague Exhibition

A number of members of the House of Representatives and political figures as well as national organizations will attend the Conference and exhibition.This is a photographic exhibition exposing the crimes and practices of the Mojahedin-e- Khalq Organization aka MKO/MEK/PMOI in the province of Diyala ,Iraq…It is worth mentioning that the exhibition held in Diyala Province on September 2010 and was attended by several members of the House of Representatives, local government officials of Diyala province along with Senate members, academic figures, the media…

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Black Plague – Photos expose the MEK organized crime in Diyala

… The Mayor of Khalis, Alkhaddran said that the Mojahedin Organization had plundered the country and the province, taking over 6000 acres of land in Khalis district. He said they took 80% of the citizens’ plots of land, and pointed out the economic gains for the Judiciary by returning the investment in Camp Ashraf taken by the organization for more than three decades. The Vice-Chairman of the Board of Diyala who emphasised again the demand of the people of Iraq to expel the Mojahedin, said this organisation is logistically and financially behind all the security problems in the province…

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Iraq considers the presence of Mojahedin Khalq as illegal

… Arguments on who will lead the government is an internal affair and the Iraqi parties will determine who will become the new premier. The Iraqi government considers the presence of the Iranian rebel group Mujahedeen Khalq Organization (MKO) on its territories as illegal,” he said. MKO, an Iranian opposition group, stationed in Ashraf camp in Diala since 1980’s when the former regime of Saddam Hussein was fighting the Iranian government from 1980 until 1988 …

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Judge assassinated after issuing arrest warrant for MKO cadres

Only a week after issuing an arrest warrant for 39 members of MKO terrorist group, an Iraqi criminal court judge was killed in a suspicious incident… an Iraqi judge of the criminal court who had last week issued an arrest warrant for the MKO/MEK/PMOI top members was killed as a result of a remote control bomb explosion According to received reports, Hassan Aziz was killed in a bomb explosion in front of his house.

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Interior Ministry announces receipt of arrest warrants for 38 leaders and members of MKO

… The source said, in an interview with Alsumaria News, that the Mojahedin is accused of killing thousands of Iraqi citizens in coordination with the Iraqi security forces to suppress the uprising of March 1991, indicating that the investigations carried out proved the participation of members of the MKO in quelling the rebelling southern provinces and the north.”…

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Iraq begins top MKO members’ arrest

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi…”We have received a letter from Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court which contains the names of 38 senior members of the MKO,”Fars News Agency quoted Iraqi Deputy Interior Minister Ayden Khalid Qader as saying on Sunday.The letter has called on the Interior Ministry to begin an immediate operation to arrest the criminals and hand them over to the judiciary, he added.

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Thwarted escape attempt by a disaffected MEK member

Letter to the Iraqi Prime Minister to inform him of the thwarted escape attempt today by a disaffected member of the Rajavi cult from Camp Ashraf, in Diyala province….. May we remind your good self that after the escape of several members who managed to get themselves out in the recent months, the Mojahedin have been increasing their security by increasing the barbed wire fencing, and in addition have installed CCTV to monitor the movements of all their members. They have also banned any presence of ordinary members in the streets …

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Iraqi court seeks arrest of MKO leaders for crimes against humanity

…”An arrest warrant has been issued against 39 leaders and members of the organisation including the PMOI’s head Massoud Rajavi, due to evidence that confirms they committed crimes against humanity,”said Judge Mohammed Abdul-Sahib, a spokesman of the Iraqi High Tribunal. Rajavi’s wife Maryam, leader of the French-based National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the PMOI’s (MKO/MEK) political wing, was also included in the warrant, Abdul Sahib added …

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