
Arrest warrants’ issued for MKO leaders

Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for MKO leaders Masoud Rajavi and Maryam Rajavi.Iraq’s Supreme Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for the leaders of the terrorist Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization, an Iraqi daily reports.Arrest warrants have been issued for Masoud Rajavi, his wife Maryam Rajavi, and 35 other MKO members..The warrants require the Iraqi Interior Ministry and the Interpol to arrest and hand over the wanted figures….

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Iraqi Criminal Court issues arrest warrant against Massoud and Maryam Rajavi

… The Supreme Iraqi Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Massoud Rajavi, head of the Mojahedin Khalq, an Iranian opposition, Arrest warrants Have also been issued against 37 others, including his wife, Maryam Rajavi, and his lieutenant Kazemi, according to (s /1/149) of 13/6/2010, Article (12) in place of Article (15) of the Code of Court No. 10 of 2005, which means that the Iraqi Interior Ministry and Interpol are notified to bring them to court …

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A letter to Prime Minister of Iraq (182 signatories)

… It has been nearly five months that elderly parents with broken hearts and tearful eyes are looking forward to meet with their children in front of Camp Ashraf have been on sitting that the MKO leaders allow them access to their children inside the camp. While we support the families in front of the gates of camp Ashraf and the efforts of your Excellency, demand a stronger involvement of your Gaverment in the human rights violations insaide Camp Ashraf and …

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Iraq confirms its intention to remove the Mojahedin Khalq

… The National Security Adviser said that the organization”has, in the recent parliamentary elections, provided a European Member of Parliament with misrepresentations on the issue of fraud in the elections in Iraq..Al-Sheik said,”The Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization[MKO/MEK/PMOI] working in Iraq under the guise of a number of organizations is deceptive,…

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Iraq rejects MKO claim that families are Iranian intelligence officers

… The PMOI, also known by the abbreviations MKO and MEK, is a militant socialist organization that advocates the overthrow of Iran’s current government. Founded in 1965, the PMOI was originally devoted to armed struggle against the Shah of Iran, capitalism and Western imperialism. Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein dedicated Camp Ashraf in Diala province, northeast of Baghdad, to host the PMOI members …

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MKO million dollar supporter’s defeat in Iraq’s elections

One of those who in recent years provided MKO with comprehensive support in Iraq and praised the terrorist cult in every opportunity is Ayad Jamal al-Din, a notorious backer of MKO who is on his last legs of presence in the Iraqi parliament. The out of favor Iraqi cleric was badly defeated in the parliamentary elections and despite the heavy costs of millions of dollars for the elections neither him nor any other members of his list named “Ahrar movement” found a way to the parliament.

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Iraqis demand MKO’s ouster by next Iraqi government

The people of Al-Khalis urged the next government to expel the members of terrorist MKO aka MEK/PMOI group, stationed in Camp Ashraf in Diyala province. They said the MKO’s case was resolved through the country’s constitution and the group had no place in Iraq, Iran’s Mehr News Agency quoted Nahrain news website as saying…Meanwhile, a leader of Badr Organization, Abbas Al-faridavi in Diyala Province reiterated that the MKO group is behind the assassination of Shia leaders ..

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Iraq election irrelevant to Mojahedin Khalq terrorist organisation status in Iraq

… Whatever the result of these negotiations, the emerging government will be a cooperative government whose first priority would be to get rid of insurgency, the remains of the Saddam era terrorists and to stabilise a country torn apart by foreign interference and occupation. The new government (as all the top officials have already emphasised) will not tolerate a terrorist camp

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Documents confirm the illegality of MKO presence in Camp Ashraf

… For decades the MKO have been in this camp and have not been regarded as refugees. Now neither the UNHCR nor the International Organization for Migration deal with them on that basis. The Ministry has addressed these organisations formally more than once in order to lend a helping hand to them, but they always affirm in their responses that that the MKO is a military organization and has not demilitarized

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