
Demonstration to reject the transfer of Camp Ashraf residents

Hundreds of demonstrators from the citizens and staff as well as school students, met in the concert hall (central Samawah) in the presence of the Governor and the President and members of the Al Muthanna … The protesters carried placards that carried dozens of expressions of condemnation and rejection of the idea of transferring the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (the inhabitants of Ashraf camp) to Al Muthanna

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Media invited to witness MKO transfer from Camp Ashraf next Tuesday

… The Government has invited the media to attend Camp Ashraf on the fifteenth day of December to cover the transfer of residents to the place allocated to them… The Government of Iraq has decided to move the residents of Camp Ashraf, all of which residents are members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, to another location which has not yet been disclosed. ..The issue of the MKO has been subject to protracted negotiations between the Government of Iraq and the U.S. over the fate of this organization which is classified as a terrorist group by both sides.

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Iraq resolute to oust anti-Iran terrorists

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki says Baghdad is serious about forcing members of a terrorist anti-Iranian group out of his country.Maliki said the Mujahedin-e Khlaq Organization (MKO), which have the blood of thousands of Iranian citizens on their hand, will be quarantined in a far-fetched region south of Iraq before leaving the country.

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Iraq to transfer Iranian dissident group to Baghdad

Iraq will move exiled Iranian dissidents based at a camp close to the border between the two countries to Baghdad, a government spokesman said on Thursday.”We will move residents of Camp Ashraf to buildings in Baghdad on Tuesday,”he said, without giving details. The members of the People’s Mujahedeen have lived at Camp Ashraf, a refugee base in Diyala province north of the Iraqi capital, for more than 20 years.

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Nuri al-Maliki: Iraq to move Mojahedin Khalq to remote south

Iraq plans to uproot an Iranian exile group that has become a headache for the Baghdad government and move the activists to a remote southern area until it can expel them, the prime minister said this week. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki vowed to oust members of the People’s Mujahideen Organisation of Iran (PMOI), an Iranian opposition movement that the United States considers a terrorist organisation, from a camp northeast of Baghdad where they have been living for two decades.

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Maliki: No place for the Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq

… Our demand is fair, we do not force them to return to Iran and do not allow them to stay permanently in Camp Ashraf. There is no place for them in Iraq after the crimes they have committed against the Iraqi people by exercising their terrorism and because of their cooperation with the Baathists and their interference in Iraq’s domestic affairs …

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Iraq firm on extraditing MKO ringleaders to Iran

Tehran’s chief diplomat in Baghdad has said that Iraq is serious about handing over MKO ringleaders to Iran. Hassan Qazemi Qom told the Mehr News Agency that the Iraqi government is determined to expel the MKO group and it has already taken steps in this regard. ..since the Iraqi people are worried about the behavior of this group in their country and the Iraqi government has put the expulsion of the group on its agenda.

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Iraq to expel Washington Backed Mojahedin Khalq

… Second Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament, Aref Tayfour, said MKO/MEK/PMOI members must be transferred to a third country far from Iraq and Iran to be unable to infiltrate the borders of the two countries … Late in July, Iraqi security forces stormed Camp Ashraf in Iraq’s Diyala province near the Iranian border and shut it down. Camp Ashraf had been housing some 3,500 members of the terrorist group for years.. The organization is also notorious for using cult-like tactics against its own members and for torturing and murdering its defectors.

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No country willing to accept MKO terrorists on its soil

Underlining the Iraqi government’s official position regarding MKO terrorist group Aref Tayfour said: So far, no country has expressed willingness to accept them in its soil.In a meeting with Iranian parliament speaker on Wednesday and referring to Larijani’s remarks about MKO/MEK/PMOI parasitical presence in Iraq Aref Tayfour also said: The Iraqi government is determined and is doing its best to displace and expel MKO from Iraq but until now no country has been ready to accept this terrorist group.

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European countries urged to host PMOI

The Iraqi cabinet’s secretary general on Wednesday revealed attempts by the Iraqi government to convince European countries to host the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), which is currently based in Iraq…“There is no justification for the organization’s members to remain in Iraq,” Allaq added.The official explained that it is not possible for the Iraqi government to look after the PMOI’s aka MKO/MEK members, who are taking refuge in the country, at a time it declares security and reconstruction as its top priorities.

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