
Maliki complains about US-insurgents meeting

The Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has complained to the US President Barack Obama about a meeting between US officials and Iraqi insurgents, a Baghdad official says. Although officials at the US State Department said that they were unaware of the alleged meeting, Maliki implicitly confirmed that he had raised concerns about the issue with Obama.

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Iraq slams US for contacts with insurgents

… Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said in Washington Thursday the Iraqi government found it shocking that representatives of”the Iraqi resistance movement”met at least one US official last spring. Zebari told Al-Hurra, the official Arabic-language US television station, that the insurgent groups adopt violence and terrorism …

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US combat help not needed after June 30

This pull-out includes the 25 US soldiers based at Camp Ashraf for the protection of Massoud Rajavi. The MKO is staging a carnival-rally in Paris on June 20 as a last ditch attempt to force American support for the cult. It is unlikely that PM al-Maliki will change his position based on such a rally..Iraq PM says government would only request American logistical assistance after US pullout

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MKO main supporter in Iraq fled the country

Sources close to his daughter Asma al-Dulaimi who is also a member of parliament told her that her father had pulled many strings in order to escape from being imprisoned after his immunity had been lifted; but his struggle were doomed to fail and he was left behind the closed doors, so he decided to run away from Iraq..Dulaimi is one of the most prominent defenders of the MKO terrorist cult and has defended it several times in his press and media.

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MKO leaders feared by Iraqi Police

Following the arrival and settlement of Iraqi police in Camp Ashraf in order to investigate the cases of residents of Ashraf, the leaders of Rajavis’ Cult have launched a large-scale propaganda collecting signatures of supporters of former Iraqi dictator..The move by Iraqi police which indicates the declining process of MKO/MEK/PMOI presence in Iraqi territory ,has terrified the cult leaders

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Iraq Asked for MKO Expulsion

Iraqi Embassy in London asked for expulsion of terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization from Iraqi soil issuing a statement on the necessity of the removal of the group and Iraqi government’s engagement in the rights of its neighboring countries. The statement considers MKO/PMOI/MEK as a terrorist organization which cooperated with Saddam Hussein in the bloody suppression of Iraqi citizens and has always intervened in Iraqi internal affairs.

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Statement of the Iraqi Embassy in London

Remaining in Iraq is not an option for Mojahedin Khalq Terrorists..The Iraqi government has called for the expulsion of Mojahedin Khalq Organisation (MKO/MEK/PMOI) from the country, saying Ashraf Camp terrorists can voluntarily return to Iran or choose to go to a third country… The Iraqi Embassy also pointed out that Ashraf Camp residents are not “political or humanitarian refugees” but terrorists whose activities are in contradiction to the commitment of the Iraqi government vis-a-vis its neighbours… Referring to the conditions of MKO members who are presently residing in Ashraf Camp, the Iraqi Embassy said there is no blockade of the terrorist camp as claimed by MKO leaders.

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No terrorists allowed in Iraq

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that the Iraqi government would not accept the presence of terrorists in its soil…Meanwhile the Iraqi official referred to the presence of members of MKO/MEK/PMOI terrorist group in Iraq and the position of the government towards them and said:”the Iraqi government will not accept the presence of terrorists on its territory and has taken on the evacuation of Camp Ashraf.

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Open letter to President Talebani

But we also see the Problem, what to do with the inhabitants. They cannot be deported back to Iran without violating international law and human rights and without bringing them in danger to be prosecuted or imprisoned.You can approach your aim easier – try to get the members of the MKO/MEK/PMOI out of the influence-system of this organisation. You should separate them from the groups’ daily grind and try to take them back to reality by getting them in contact with their families and the “normal life” outside the camp.

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Iraqi PM: Mojahedin will never operate from Iraq

According to the London based Al Sharq Al Aawsat newspaper, Noori Almaliki the Iraqi prime minister said: Concerning the Mojahedin Khalq presence in Iraq he said: Under no circumstances would their presence in Iraq be acceptable. Irrespective of some speculation that this may be due to pressure from Iranians or non Iranians, I should emphasise clearly that even if Iran asks us to keep them in Iraq, we will not allow this. This is a terrorist organisation present in various lists of terrorist entities across the globe ..

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