
Adnan, Al-Alyan and Alaani Cry for MKO!

They would do it even if they have to sell Iraq and Iraqis with the cheapest price and set fire to the public in order to revenge for their former master. These people tried to sell Iraq in their deals with Israelis, the US and some neighboring countries. Their last card could be the MKO. This would be their losing card not winning card but they consider it a boost to their sick bodies.

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MKO’s Role in Saddam Massacres Should be Exposed

The court of former Iraqi regime’s crimes, now being held without the presence of Saddam Hussein, exposes important issues one of which is the decision of former Iraqi dictator to exterminate the Kurds with all possible means.In the court, it was revealed that the order for massacring the Kurds by chemical weapons was issued personally by Saddam …

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The statement of Nejat Society relating the execution of former Iraqi dictator

It is worth mentioning that Saddam Hussein or Iraq was known as the only state supporter of Mojahedin-é Khalq Organisation (MKO), and for nearly two decades the Organisation enjoyed his full financial and logistical backing in that country. The truth is that Saddam Hussein the former dictator of Iraq and Mas’ud Rajavi the leader of MKO committed many crimes in a strategic collusion …

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Adnan Al-Dulaimi, The Master of Civil Wars

When Zarqawi, Al-Qaeda’s number one in Iraq, was killed Iraqi security forces found the mobile phone number …Iraqi security advisor, announced at that time that the government had found precious documents..the Iraqi government was pressed by Americans not to pursue the issue…

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Iraqis Welcome Revelations on MKO

Now the government has emphasized that it is going to act against the MKO. Although too late, it should be appreciated. In this regard, we warn the government on the suspicious activities of Adnan al-Dulaimi and his son. He is the leader of terrorists. He should be arrested and tried…

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The Bare Facts vs. the Elusive Claims

The deliberate silence occurs at a time when MKO wrestle with the encountered predicaments in Iraq by taking advantage of the internal chaos and the deepened rift between the opponent factions and al-Maliki’s government. Mojahedin’s propaganda machine has never stopped dispersing the threats that democracy in Iraq is unattainable unless through the support of Mojahedin as it was advertised through the statement ..

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Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz and MKO Against Iraqis

Following the fall of dictatorial regime in 2003, coalition forces surrounded the MKO and forced them to give up their arms but allowed them to stay in their camp. Several MKO members in Iraq left the country to get to a European nation but many others remained in MKO camps. Some others started serving remnants of Baath party and were actually welcomed by Baathists who considered them as the guests of Saddam.

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No Question on MKO’s Extradition to Iran

60 MKO supporters, having gathered before the UNHCR building in Geneva for 100 days, revealed that Iraqi officials have announced that the members of terrorist MKO in Camp Ashraf can stay in Iraq only until the end of this year (45 days from now) and that after this date they should leave Iraq.

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A letter to the President of Iraq

Mr. President, you know better then anyone that in 1991, Saddam Hussein with the help of his private army the Mojahedin-e Khalq of Iran, was part of the oppression of the Kurds. In this act of murder tens of innocent Kurdish people were killed.The Mojahedin army conducted their attack on the Kurdish towns of Klar, toz khormatooz, soleiman beik, kefri and jalola, and went on a mission to kill and drive the Kurds out.

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Iraq will not tolerate terrorist Mojahedin Khalq

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki said that from the beginning Iran accepted the new situation in Iraq and established political ties with it, and “this is laudable“.In an interview with the international Jaam-e Jam TV Network, Maliki added that these are important steps and Iraqi politicians must praise Iran’s standpoint, because these steps can help establish strong and sound bilateral bonds, IRNA reported.

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