
Iran-Iraq Form Joint Security Task Force

The statement also says that”the two sides say that the formation of joint task force helps security and intelligence cooperation between the two countries and strengthens the ties”.Iraqi government announced last month that al-Rubaii met the Iranian intelligence minister and discussed issues such as intelligence cooperation, fighting terrorism and illegal border crossing.

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Iraqi lawyer calls MKO illegal organization

An eminent Iraqi lawyer said that existence of Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) in Iraq is unlawful, said IRNA. Tariq Harb, head of the ‘Population of Disseminating Law Culture in Iraq’, told the Baghdad-based weekly of Al-Shahed that according to the domestic, international and foreign non-governmental laws, existence of MKO in Iraq is illegal.

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A Letter to the Multi-National Force in Support of MKO

The presense of Mojahedin Khalq in Iraq is really one of those critical problems for the Iraqi government to tackle. Banned to conduct direct propaganda activities, the group takes advantage of the Iraqi dissenters, parties and individuals, to muster supporters advocating its stay in Iraq. In many cases, these publicized instances of supporting serves as a means of warnings by minorities directed at the legally elected government

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MKO Frightened by Maliki’s Visit to Iran

Remnants of Rajavi’s gang, frightened by the trip of Iraqi PM Mr. Nuri al-Maliki to Iran, released a statement and quoted what the US commanders had said, in order to boost the morale of their desperate members in Camp Ashraf who commit suicide to get rid of the current situation.

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An Abstruse Statement in Support of MKO

Mojahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) passes hard days in Iraq at the present following the reports of its forthcoming expulsion. It utilizes any legal and illegal lever to secure its stay in Iraq since the dispersion of its members in other countries, if any country consents to receive individuals labeled as terrorists, means a gamble on its survival…

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Iraq, MKO, and the Near Future

Simaye Azadi, is these days heavily focusing on reflecting the attempts seemingly taken in support of MKO’s stay in Iraq. The heavy coverage of news reports in this respect and their frequent repetition in different news, political, and Direct Contact programs indicate that the issue of its future stay in Iraq has entered a new phase…

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MKO in Iraqi Court

General prosecutor in Iraq’s Supreme Court announced that the court is investigating the issue of plundering Iraq’s resources. This case includes oil revenues, granted by the former regime to the groups and individuals.
In an interview with Aswat Al-Iraq, Jaafar Mosavi said:”In this case, the issue of oil revenues is on the agenda.”

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Iraq Must Get Rid of MKO

“Democracy or the Return of Shaabanieh Uprising”by Dr. Latif Vakil, professor of political science in the universities of Berlin and Denmark, has been published in Iraqi newspaper”Ghandil”. In the article, mostly on the reasons of Iraq’s occupation by the US, terrorists and active Baathist groups in Iraq, Dr. Vakil pointed to the MKO and wrote: …

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Iraqi Tribal Leaders: Expel the MKO

More than 600 Iraqi tribal leaders asked for the expulsion of MKO elements from their country.
In the final statement of”Iraqi Tribes’ Broad Meeting”, Iraqi tribes- comprising 85 percent of the social context- stressed the need for the expulsion of terrorist MKO from Iraq for the sake of establishing peace and security in the country.

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