
MEK backers exploit loopholes in French law

Al-Moussawi told reporters,”The Iraqi Embassy in France commissioned a lawyer to follow the case of Sadeq Kazem, who is Director of Camp Liberty near Baghdad”, noting that”the lawyer had his client released after it was found there was no evidence or documents to support the allegations against Mr Kazem”. ..

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FM Undersecretary participates in European Parliament session

A statement by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs received by All Iraq News Agency (AIN) cited”The meeting focused on the efforts made by the Iraqi Government in order to secure the transfer of Camp Ashraf residents to Camp Liberty in a peaceful manner and in accordance with international standards and in respect to human rights and international humanitarian law.”

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Iraqi Delegation to Apprise MKO-led crisis

The Iraqi government is reportedly dispatching delegations to Europe to underline facts about MKO’s aka MEK/PMOI clear contravention of law and regulations. The delegation expected to have meetings with politicians and reporters in Geneva and Brussels includes deputies from Iraq’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Human Rights, police and security departments..

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Ali Jahani Fard letter to the Iraq Prime Minister

We know that the leaders of this notorious cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] specifically the Rajavis after the fall of the former dictator of Iraq , Saddam Hussein , have played their role as the opposition of your legitimate and popular government and these leaders according to their violent essence and content have tried their best to preserve Ashraf , ..

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Mr. Tajbakhsh Open letter to Mr.Nuri Al Maleki

Massoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Ghajar Azdanlo who both later became the leaders of pmoi/MKO/MEK outside of Iran , they converted their organization to a very dangerous religious cult. At this path of digression and metamorphosis, -They caused inter organizational clean up , imprisonment and incarceration and slaying of the dissidents . …

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Iraq urges Int’l cooperation for rapid expulsion of MKO

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari underlined that his country is determined to expel the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR), and asked the world states to help Baghdad with the rapid expulsion of the terrorist cult..The MKO is seeking to transfer its members to another country, but no world state, including the US and the European countries, has accepted to lodge the terrorist group.

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