
Europe, North America are now required to accept the MKO

The Minister also evaluated the ICRC role in communicating with the residents of Ashraf Camp and Liberty Camp, praising the humanitarian and professional role of the ICRC, confirming Iraq’s fulfilling its international commitment and that the European, North American, and foreign states are required to ..

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Iraq to repossess property illegally confiscated by MKO

… Iraq will ask the courts to try the terrorist group Mojahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI. He said that there are many citizens who have been damaged or their property was confiscated by the group under the former regime. Al Sanid told Ashraf News, that Iraq will not accept for even a moment that the group remain in the country. He pointed out that the Iraqi people have suffered a lot due to the presence of this terrorist group. ..

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No anti-riot unit in Liberty Camp [TTL], Interior Ministry

Iraqi Interior Ministry spokesman denied today that the anti-riot unit is present in Liberty Camp [TTL]. Liberty camp [TTL] is the new accommodation center for anti-Iranian Mujahidi Khalq organization members. Mujahidin Khalq stated yesterday, Friday, that the anti-riot unit scattered in the camp to suppress its people. Iraqi government decided to move Ashraf Camp residents of Mujahidin Khalq to a new camp called Liberty as a substitute camp in cooperation with the United Nations, despite the rejection of the organization to this move …

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Mr. Fatahiyan Open letter to the honorable PM of Iraq

I , Ghafour Fatahiyan, one of the former members of People’s Mujahedin Organization(MKO, PMOI, Rajavi’s cult) who spent 20 years of my life in this cult. Since my affiliation to this organization , from the first day till my leaving time , I had to go through many harsh ordeals and I was under severe tortures which is unthinkable and unbelievable. The organization which I and the people like me entered in it with honesty and sincerity and pure intentions , but..

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Iraq seeks help from UNSC to expel MKO

Iraqi Ambassador to the UN Hamid al-Bayati told the UN Security Council session on Tuesday that with the help of UN Cooperation Delegation for Iraq and efforts of the UN Secretary General Special representative Martin Kobler, 1200 MKO/MEK/PMOI members can be transferred from Ashraf Camp to a transit one.

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Iraqi Campaign to Collect Signatures for MKO Trial, Expulsion

A nationwide campaign has started in Iraq to collect one million signatures from Iraqi nationals to call for the trial of the members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO, also known as the MEK and PMOI) and accelerate their expulsion from Iraq…the Association of Justice to Defend Iraqi Victims of MKO declared that the first stage of the signature gathering campaign in Diyala province has finished with a total of 40000 signatures. .

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Iraq reaffirms resolve to expel MKO

Iraqi Vice President Khudayr al-Khuzaie has reiterated the resolve of Baghdad in its decision to expel the Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group, describing its members as ‘persona non grata’.We insist on the expulsion of the terrorist group from Iraq, al-Khuzaie said, adding that the MKO members are not considered guests, but “persona non-grata”.

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Iraqi farmers push gov’t to recapture lands seized by MKO

MP for the National Alliance announces the final stages of Camp Ashraf, Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK, also MKO and PMOI) terrorists’ headquarters in Iraq, closure in this year.Ali Shobbar noted that the Iraqi government has taken serious steps to end the issue of Camp Ashraf “for we are trying to maintain good relations with neighboring countries, including Iran,” ..

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Minister of HR calls on EU countries to harbor MKO members

Human Rights Minister Mohammed Shyaa called on EU countries to facilitate harboring Iranian Mujahidin Khalq members .According to a statement by the Ministry today:”Shyaa met ambassador of the European Union in Baghdad, Ms. Jana Hapaschkova who praised the effort made by the Ministry of Human Rights in transferring hundred of members of the Iranian (PMOI) from / Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty [Temporary Transit Location]

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Iraqi tribes demand prosecution, punishment of anti-Iran MKO

In a recent statement, Iraqi tribes in the southern city of Basra called on Baghdad to bring to justice those MKO /MEK/PMOI members that aided and abetted former dictator Saddam Hussein’s regime to ruthlessly crush the anti-government uprising in southern and northern Iraq in 1991 during the aftermath of the so-called Persian Gulf war I, when US troops occupied Kuwait and Iraq in efforts to fight off Iraq’s attempt

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