Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi and her so-called human rights

When in November 2009, along with her propaganda campaign she goes to Norway Parliament, again she repeats her pro-democratic slogans using gestures of a human right defender; what kind of freedom does she believe in?!..Exactly on the same month, on Nov.28th,2009 while a group of former members of MKO are holding a protest demonstration in Cergy, France, to protest against the presence of Maryam Rajavi in that country, the agents of the destructive cult of Rajavi attack the protesters, hitting them on the face and eyes. The physical clashes end when the police intervene

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Maryam Rajavi symbol of suppression and disappointment

They also compare her with Martin Luther king. What a ridiculous comparison! Today former members are denouncing her true face so no one would believe her nonsense. As they described in their memoires of their membership in the cult, Maryam Rajavi orders the female members to bear hysterectomy operation in order to kill the least hope for emotions and family life ..

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Agents of crimes in Ashraf held solidarity in Paris

The most controversial statement in Maryam Rajavi’s speech on the occasion of solidarity ceremony for the killed residents of Ashraf is this one:”I wish I were with you”. This statement was said in the most deceitful manner in order to incite the audience’s emotions. She is absolutely the best student of Massoud Rajavi’s class. For further complaining, in her show, she continues:“These days, in every minute and every moment, I wonder what I am doing here; why I am not in Ashraf with you to accompany you in this prideful, sacred, splendid struggle.”

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Who is Responsible for the Bloodshed and Death in Camp Ashraf?

The PMOI in Iraq is finished, especially after the fall of Saddam Hussein and his government. Its military wing, the NLA is completely dysfunctional and impaired because of disarmament.. the PMOI’s leaders do not want to deal with the destiny of 3500 personnel and members who have been stranded in that garrison for decades. The life of those stranded people in that garrison does not have any value for their a victim of this organization, hold Mrs. Maryam Ghajar Azdanloo (Rajavi) responsible and accountable for the life and death of those stranded MKO members..

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Rajavis cult is biggest loser in Iran election

Speaking of her ‘agenda’, Madame Rajavi, knows better than anyone that her only chance to return to her homeland and impose her husband’s cult onto the people of Iran is for the whole ruling system to collapse. She also knows better than anyone else what the subliminal message of this election is; the only way for her to go home is for her cult to continue to pursue its well-trod path of violence and try to remove the ruling regime by force – a course it has pursued without success for nearly thirty years.

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Maryam Rajavi is a Slaughterer of Democracy

..the violent assault on MR. MOHAMMMAD HOSSEIN SOBHANI, in CITY of Koln, in Germany which happened few days ago.I was asking myself why they assaulted him. As far as I know he had spent many years of his life in that notorious cult, called PMOI/MKO/MEK. Long time ago, He decided to separate from that cult and start over his normal life in Germany as a free man… Maryam Rajavi orders her followers to assault on innocent people who stopped following her and her husband’s ideology and shamelessly she says nothing as if nothing has happened.

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Open letter of Mohammad Sobhani to Maryam Rajavi

About the attacks against him by the terrorists and henchmen of the Mojahedin Khalq Cult in Cologne, Germany ..I was walking down a street in Cologne, Germany, where I reside, when one of your henchmen – or rather a victim of your cult – started swearing at me and physically attacking me. ..I tried my best to keep calm and remind myself that the henchman you have sent is himself a victim of your cult. I managed to stop myself from giving any reaction to your terrorist agent who had been sent by you to Germany.

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MARYAM AZDANLO leads a very dangerous cult

MARYAM RAJAVI sees her cultic survival in the remaining of the obscure and notorious ASHRAF GARRISON with all those men and women captives in it. She is a very cruel tyrant, because she wants to keep all those men and women captive in that garrison just because she wants to keep the cult and the cultic ideology alive, why?

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The Real visage of Maryam Rajavi

The photo is taken when she is no one but Maryam Rajavi with her own personality, feelings, and emotions free from any pretension and stilted gesture. ..It represents the times when she is heavily engaged in internal conflicts with herself to reconcile her numerous inner selves that are irreconcilable with her womanish nature and have long been tormenting her soul. First, her aristocratic self rooted in Qajar dynasty and her class conflict resulting from being engaged in cultist relations…

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The leadership Catalyst in MKO

Maryam being closely attached to Rajavi, recognition of him was only possible through attachment to her. She plays the role of a qualified subordinate for the purpose of seeing that other members adhere to her husband’s wishes and rules: Maryam Rajavi was held up as an example to the women in the Mujahedin organisation. It was claimed that women could free themselves from their oppression as women, only by following her example.

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