Maryam Rajavi

Rajavi’s Show In France Distracts From Sinister Death In Albania

Malik Shara’i was one of the few remaining witnesses to the mysterious death of 53 MEK members in Camp Ashraf Iraq. According to the people who knew him he was also trying to get himself out of the closed and inaccessible MEK camp in Iraq. He is probably the latest victim of rebranding MEK. According to this news, ISIS is the next guest terror group …

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Who is Maryam Rajavi?

Born in December 1953, Tehran, Maryam Qajar Azodanlu (later called Rajavi) was raised in a middle-class family. She joined the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (the MKO/MEK/PMOI/the Cult of Rajavi) after her…

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MEK’s Maryam Rajavi blackmails Albania to become the new ‘Saddam regime’ for them

The forced relocation of the MEK/MKO/PMOI organisation from Iraq to Albania resulted in drastic changes within the group. No longer forced to endure the extremes of heat and cold in Baghdad, living alongside ordinary family neighbours for the first time in two decades and the loss of their leader Massoud Rajavi have all profoundly affected the members. They now have the ‘luxury’ to think and their changed environment and circumstances ..

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Sen. McCain adds Maryam Rajavi to his long list of backed terrorists

However, American officials are not the only ones receiving money from the MKO in exchange for political support. On July 9, 2016, former Saudi intelligence chief and former Saudi ambassador to Britain and the United States Prince Turki al-Faisal Al Saud spoke for 30 minutes before a crowd in Paris, France, for the annual conference of the MKO. Don’t be surprised, McCain has a long record of backing terror groups

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Desperate widow of Massoud Rajavi

As a cult-leader, Massoud Rajavi was considered in the MKO/MEK/PMOI as an everlasting leader. In the opening speech of the so-called grand gathering on July 9th, Maryam Rajavi repeated the claim by praising her disappeared husband as “the everlasting vigilant lion” – it was just a few minutes later that Turkey Feisal revealed Massoud’s death. Actually, Maryam Rajavi is the main victim of Massoud Rajvi’s cult-like system….

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