Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi — MEK Propaganda Queen — Advertises Her Services For Iran’s Enemies

Clearly this message is not aimed at Iranians. The clamour for regime change in Iran does not emanate from inside the country in spite of its many social, civic and political problems. Who then is Maryam Rajavi’s constituency? From whom is she hoping to garner support?Many constituencies outside Iran wish fervently for its destruction. It is enlightening that Maryam Rajavi’s …

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Maryam Rajavi’s blood thirsty propaganda

there would be properly one main reason for such slow process for the departure of the MKO members from Iraqi territory: leaders of the cult-like MKO/MEK/PMOI do not want it. During the three past years, reluctance of the MKO authorities to move their base from Iraq has been testified in various occasions.

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Maryam Rajavi’s strange diplomacy with the UK

Now, whether in response to the lack of response to her bizarre persuasion techniques, or whether stung by the ridicule of her critics, or whether she is genuinely out of touch with political reality, Maryam Rajavi’s cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] websites are now awash with attacks on the British Foreign Secretary …

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MKO Ready to help for all Sorts of Assistance to KSA

Maryam Rajavi, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization’s (MKO) leader said in a meeting with the Saudi ambassador in France: We ready to help for all sorts of assistance to Kingdom Saudi Arabia (KSA).She recently in response to the request of Saudi leaders while supporting Saudi attacks to Yemen said..

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Maryam Rajavi, ludicrous testimony in a “historic hearing”

Thus when one of the main sponsors of the MKO, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee calls the event a “very historic hearing” praising Maryam Rajavi , she should be told that the hearing is definitely a very ludicrous hearing.Where and when did the MKO have any experience with ISIS, except some reports on the cooperation between MKO operatives and ISIS forces!…

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Open letter to Robert Ford and Daniel Benjamin

what is the connection between providing security and taking their arms back, which has been requested by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi , and finding solution to eliminate Islamic State or Daesh in Iraq? it’s irrelevant !! our question as the former members of this dangerous …

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