Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi – Cheerleader for Israel

Perhaps it is this astounding – or practiced – ignorance which allows the Council of Europe to allow use of their buildings as a platform to introduce Maryam Rajavi as an ‘Iranian opposition leader’ who speaks as some kind of expert on the danger of only one specific source of terrorism while at the same time …

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Parliamentarians lose Maryam Rajavi court battle

Lord Carlile and other members of the House of Lords wrote a letter threatening judicial review, which elicited a response from the Home Office asserting that Articles 9 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights were not engaged but that the decision was in any event justified and proportionate. Lord Carlile …

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Rajavi’s Interesting Interpretation of Justice and Victory

In her alleged celebration for “victory”, Maryam Rajavi makes fun of “terrorism accusation” while documents of the MKO’s violent history are even available on its own journals. The MKO’s propaganda and media have always glorified their terrorist acts against the Iranian civilians and officials. The group’s violent past is undeniable. The last example of the MKO’s aka MKO/PMOI support for terrorism was obviously seen in the group’s propaganda website.

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Maryam Rajavi’s annual Rally in Villepinte

The MEK pretend to work as mercenaries to suit western backers but have in reality simply exploited loopholes and weaknesses in western political systems purely to promote themselves and, like parasites, find a niche to exist in for a while. The MEK have infiltrated parliaments and ministries and …

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