Maryam Rajavi

Who can interview with Maryam Rajavi ?

This opening sentence clearly indicates that the interview was actually managed by the interviewee not the interviewer.What does Maryam Rajavi mean by “popular support” inside Iran?!One thing is sure; Rajavi’s claim is absolutely false. Although the MEK claims to be loved and respected inside Iran, the truth is that most Iranians view the terrorist organization as ruthless …

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Ex-US Colonel Blasts MKO Leader

Dr. Karen Kwiatkowski said MKO is a group”dependent on outside money,”..”Maryam (Rajavi) has led the MKO since 1993, and it appears she inherited the position from her husband,”Kwiatkowski, a former USAF colonel, said.”That doesn’t sound very democratic, and I suspect that Rajavi knows little about, and cares little about, democracy.”

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Rajavi’s Slip of Tongue

Emboldened by the illogicality of decisions, a terrorist leader makes an easy step to announce that the world has been wrong so far to label an anti-terrorist group a terrorist one. However, to give a better interpretation of her phrase, many consider it Rajavi’s slip of tongue and read it as anti-human. That is to say, she means to say anti-human when she says anti-terrorist…

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Netanyahou and Rajavi: The Only Two People to Cheer Canada

The irony is that Maryam Rajavi shows off as a highly pro-democratic leader in all her speeches. However, the dark terrorist background of the cult declares that she never thinks of people. After the closure of Iranian Embassy in Canada, Rajavi in accord with Netanyahou never regarded numerous problems that may occur for the large number of Iranian immigrants in Canada.

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MKO’s Demands Addressed to The US Administration

Of course, she has been either assured of some promises or expects to see the already offered encouraging gesture of the State Department that considers cooperation in relocation as a key factor in determining whether the group remains on FTO list actually accomplished. That is what has made her bold enough to address the US Administration directly to impose demands ..

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Paris Court hearing of Maryam Rajavi – Anti-terrorism demonstration

On Tuesday, June 5, 2012 around noon, a group of Iranian residents in France gathered outside the courthouse in the square of St. Michael to deliver their protest against the terrorist Rajavi cult. French Judges summoned the commanders of the Mojahedin to the courthouse to ask for explanations of the PMOI leaders on the issue of June 17, 2003 and other terrorist acts carried out by this organization on French territory and also in ..

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Rajavi representes no one

After months of excruciatingly nit picking and slow negotiations to finally reach an agreement to peacefully and securely move the residents of Camp Ashraf to another safe facility in which their individual claims for refugee status and relocation can be worked out, Rajavi has (inevitably) come up with yet more excuses and stalling tactics to prevent any movement of residents from the camp.

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Maryam Rajavi: Iranian Spring or Ashrafi Winter

In order to get relieved of the pressure imposed on the Mujahedin Khalq Organization aka MEK/PMOI/MKO; because of its being listed as a terrorist group by the US and the Iraqi determination to shutdown their base camp Ashraf in Iraq, these days Maryam Rajavi is talking nonsense, particularly in her recent interview with the Swiss Television, TSR ..Misusing the recent atmosphere ruling the Middle East, she presents herself as the representative of the Iranian people!!!

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Interview with Maryam Rajavi

In the first years of the 1979 revolution, young members of the MKO had instructions not to engage with members and affiliates of other political groups. Was this true and is there a similar policy today? • If delisted, does the MKO plan to change its structure and make it similar to other political organizations and be subject to the regulations governing such parties? …

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