Massoud Rajavi

MKO leader incites war on Iraq

The main leader of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), Rajavi, in remarks interpreted as informally declaring war on Iraq cautioned that he would not allow Baghdad to expel the group from Iraq, and stressed that he will keep the MKO in the country even if it costs the lives of all the group members…Latest news from Iraq indicate that they are making lots of catapults, arbalests, slings, bows and arrows to resist against Iraq..

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Rajavi asset strips Camp Ashraf

Three other MEK loyalists have recently left Camp Ashraf and are now somewhere in Europe. The significance of this is that these three individuals are the MEK’s top explosives experts, trained by Saddam Hussein’s army. The three were tracked from Camp Ashraf until they reached Europe where the trail went cold. They are presumably now in one of the MEK’s aka MKO/PMOI many European bases. ..

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Why Massoud Rajavi looks for victims?

MKO’s ideological leader and the cult’s high ranks need to victimize their rank and file in order to survive. Whenever they fail to take advantage of the services they offer western Intelligence agencies by spying and working as their mercenaries, or they are not given any role in international relationships, they set off for victimization of their members so that they might be able to prolong their survival. Their victims are those members captured behind closed bars of the cult, distanced and uninformed from the outside world. Despite, their entirely inhuman terrorist background..

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Why do we seek prosecution of Rajavi?

… Massoud Rajavi and the heads of his cult[MKO/MEK/PMOI] have a huge file in the Iraqi judiciary which is truly bigger than the one of Saddam Hussein and his aides. But the trial of the leaders of the cult has had the same fate as Maryam Rajavi’s file in Paris – she was arrested and charged with attempting terrorist activities against defectors and fraud and money laundry more than seven and a half years ago and she is still waiting trial – since for the time being she has been hired by the Americans and the Israelis …

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Fugitive war criminal Rajavi weeps for another war criminal Tariq Aziz

… MKO’s unhappiness from the death sentence issued for Tariq Aziz is not merely due to this man’s previous supports from Mojahedin-e Khalq. This is an alarm for people like Massoud Rajavi who are responsible for the death of tens of thousands of people and now are hiding in their shelters. Rajavi and other leaders of the MKO/MEK/PMOI consider the fate of Tariq Aziz as their own coming destiny. Therefore they are frightened from being trapped by justice one day. …

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Iraq evacuates Camp New Iraq (formerly Ashraf)

… Our ambassador in Baghdad met with the Iraqi Human Rights Minister on 20 May 2010 and underlined the need for the Iraqi authorities to deal with the residents in a way that meets international humanitarian standards. The Iraqi authorities have told the residents that they can no longer stay at Camp Ashraf but have given assurances that no residents will be forcibly transferred to a country where they have reason to fear persecution or where substantial grounds exist to believe they would be tortured. We have not received any information about the Government of Iraq denying visas to relatives and friends of the residents …

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Massoud Rajavi accused of”sexual exploitation”of women

… She pointed to the plans for the sexual exploitation of the women in this cult and added:”To enable Mas’ud Rajavi to achieve his desired objective, we were directed to a lounge called the ‘X saloon.’ The floor was covered by white sheets that were attached to the carpet. The entire saloon was white. Two white armchairs were also placed in the middle of the room. …

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Diabolical Sex Abuse Practiced by MKO Leader, Massoud Rajavi

As a victim, Soltani has a unique perspective. She revealed that under this pretext of “unification with the leader,” the women[in MKO/MEK/PMOI cult] are told to revere him—and that he is the only source of truth in their lives—then they are exploited sexually..the women are simply too vulnerable, and Rajavi wants to keep them that way…According to Batoul Soltani, there are some hundreds women with the leadership council rank—many or all of whom in some way or another are being subject to form a diabolical union with the leader, Massoud Rajavi.

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Massoud Rajavi wants to be worshiped as …..!!!!!!

… I remember that one of the Leadership Council, Mrs Soosan Taleghani, told us that Massoud Rajavi is Imam Hussein and Maryam is Hazrateh Zeynab. In this organization Massoud’s character was as a man without any sin and guilt and he was an innocent and sinless leader and all mistakes and sins and guilt pertained to everyone except him and his wife. Once, Mehdi Abrichamchi (Maryam Rajavi’s first husband) said in one particular organizational gathering that, “Massoud is not responsible to anyone except God for his actions and …

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The Roots of immorality molded in leader of MKO

… The echo of the statements made by Ms. Batool Soltani disclosing facts about the sexual abuse and relations of Massoud Rajavi, the leader of Mojahedin Khalq cult, with the female members had the shocking impact of a bomb explosion among the public. She made the testimony in a meeting held in support of the victims of Rajavi’s castle, Camp Ashraf. Although she did not go into very details …

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