Mujahedin Khalq as an Opposition Group

Historic deal is working despite MKO-AIPAC- led obstructions

Regarding the MKO, its role in the relations and equations between Iran and the West is so trivial that the cult leader strives hard to create tension between the two sides more and more in order to achieve the least support they can gain. The MKO’s only means to survive is to convince the West that the proverb”the enemy of my enemy is my friend”is symbolized in supporting a cult of personality…

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Mr. Obama’s Iran problem

An influential pro-Israel group, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has been lobbying members of Congress to keep the pressure on Iran. So have members of the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran[MEK/MKO/PMOI] , a group with a violent past whose opposition to the Iranian regime has nonetheless earned it allies in Congress

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Swiss police prevent Mojahedin Khalq disruption in Geneva

Experts in MEK behaviour however, believe this could trigger rogue activity and continue to advise western security services to maintain vigilance over the group’s members. Operating as a cult, the MEK/MKO/PMOI leaders depend on retaining members through priming them for and involving them in specific activities which include aggression and acts of violence. Although …

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MEK leader set to use violence to disrupt Geneva talks

The security of meetings held in Geneva is not in your hands, nor is it in the hands of Iran, but violent activity will have dire consequences for all sides. It is important to put the MEK where it belongs – it has no place in the political process. The group is purely a brand and a tool. Once a group is named as a tool in the hands of paying …

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All the President’s foes

1. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli PM – 2. John Bolton, America’s former ambassador to the UN – 3. Maryam Rajavi, Wife of the leader of the terrorist group MeK …. All the three streams agree that negotiation with Iran produce no result.

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MKO responsible for inflicting violence in Iraq

There are countless evidences that MKO committed numerous crimes against the Iraqi people in collaboration with Saddam and documents showing links between the group and several leaders of al-Qaeda terrorist network. To mention an existing concrete evidence, in 2012 the governor of Iraqi district Khalis announced the discovery of ….

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MKO Hatching Plots to Create Tension in Iran

The MKO ringleaders, believe that killing people will increase the differences and radicalizes the Iranian society on the threshold of the June 14 presidential election.MKO along with the foreign spy agencies played a major role in the post-election unrests in Iran in 2009….

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