Mujahedin Khalq as an Opposition Group

MKO offers to help US stir Iraq situation

The MKO/MEK/PMOI has on many occasions asked the US administration to provide the group with financial support in a bid to make Iraq insecure..The report added that the proposals have been put forward to US officials through former and retired Washington officials who are now among the MKO advocates,

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US narrative on Syria is crumbling

The U.S. and Israel have tacitly admitted they were behind the assassinations. They openly admit they are training, funding, arming, and regularly deploying the Mujahedeen e-Khalq (MKO). U.S. politicians openly lobby for MKO in full-page columns bought in large U.S. papers. It would interest many Americans to know that many of these lobbyists include stalwart supporters of the so-called “War on Terror”…

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MEK members clash with police in Ashraf

Reports say there have been clashes in Camp Ashraf as Iraqi police attempted to inspect the belongings of the sixth batch of terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq aka MKO/MEK/PMOI group.members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq group attacked Iraqi security forces with knives and truncheons yesterday in a bid to prevent them from examining their belongings.

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MKO Crisis Mongering in Syria

As the international community apparently makes efforts to open peace talks between Assad government and the opposition, members of terrorist groups like Mujahedin Khalq Organization are mobilized to Syrian borders to join the opposition forces.

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MKO Mounting Offensive in Defiance of Rules

The circumstantial evidences indicate MKO is not reluctant to prepare the stage for a third round of violent confrontation. Again we are hearing words that another human tragedy is possibly unfolding in Ashraf or Liberty and that, no effort has to be spared to avert and prevent it. The Iraqi government has never stated that it intends to use force to close Ashraf ..

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Is the MKO seeking forceful relocation?

Peaceful relocation appears not to be a good solution for the MKO leaders who prefer a forceful relocation. They seem to seek another bloody clash with Iraqi government –which has shown enough tolerance towards the presence of foreign terrorists in its territory so far. In their idea, victimization of some other dissident members of the group would be a useful way to both clear the cult off disloyal members ..

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MKO’s Role in Syrian Unrests Revealed

A Saudi colonel recently apprehended by the Syrian security forces disclosed that the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) has played a major role in the recent conflicts in Syria… According to the colonel, a number of 20,000 terrorists, among them a number of MKO members, were due to attack Damascus from four directions

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Rajavi’s Final Phase of Battle

However, the real shock comes at the conclusion part of Mr. Vidal-Quadras’ statement when he stresses dismissal of the UN’s ambassador to end part of the existing problem in the stalemate: “ISJ would like to reemphasize the need for appointment of an objective and competent personal envoy by the Secretary General to Ashraf and Liberty so that ..

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