Mujahedin Khalq as an Opposition Group

Ex-MEK leaves Paris hospital after vicious attack by Mojahedin

In a statement given to the French police the British woman said, “I came here as a tourist and I was shocked when I saw what was taking place, I felt unsafe. What really disgusted me is that I think I have given money to this group in London in the past. …” Many ex-MEK members who managed to escape from the MEK’s Iraqi base, Camp Ashraf, in recent years have testified to numerous violations of human rights inside the garrison …

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MKO leaders to pay off UN staff

Rajavi’s interpreter, who has recently escaped Camp liberty (Temporary Transit Location), speaks of new dimensions of the Mujahedin Khalq’s activities including bribing the employees of the UN High Commission of Refugees.

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MKO Collaborating with Iraqi Dissidents

A defected member of the terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO also known as the MEK, PMOI and NCR) disclosed on Wednesday that the group’s ringleaders are collaborating with the leaders of Iraq’s dissident groups as well as the Al-Qaeda network in the country to topple Nuri al-Maliki’s government.

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Hundreds of MEK members refuse to move from Camp Ashraf

Alkhaddran told Alsumaria News”more than 400 members of the MEK organization (PMOI) in Camp Ashraf in Diyala, which represent the second group which the Iraqi government want to transfer to Camp Liberty in Baghdad refused to obey to the order of transfer.”Alkhaddran said,”The Iraqi government has concluded an agreement with the United Nations Organization for the transfer of MEK from Diyala to Baghdad,”..

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MeK leadership places massacre of the troops on agenda

Frustrated of their inability in abuse of the Europe Union, Maryam Rajavi says in this regard:”Hiding behind the”Iraqi sovereignty”to justify the indifference toward crimes of this government against Ashraf absolutely is unacceptable.”Now, MeK seek to counter Iraqi government and create conflict at the end of the deadline. From now, MeK leadership is preparing the troops to sacrifice, also he is inducing them that being Ashrafi means that never will we retreat,..

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MKO, BBC Trying to Spark Tension in Iran through Fake Reports

..the multifaceted cooperation has been broadened by the western media after their similar efforts to spark tension and unrests in Iran failed and led to the further unity among the Iranian nation.The Habilian website added that in some cases the MKO members have sent out-dated pictures and footages of unrests in Iran or other neighboring countries to the BBC, trying to pretend that those footages had been taken from new unrests in Iran..

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MKO Intends to Open Fire on Civilians

..A senior Iranian legislator warned that the hirelings and members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) have hatched a plot to start unrests in Tehran today in a bid to open fire on the civilians to bring the police and security forces into armed clashes..the MKO members plan to kill the people who gather in streets to put the blame on the Iranian security forces in order to create a rift between the nation and government,..

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