Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group

The Search for International Terrorist Entities

The MEK philosophy mixes Marxism and Islam. Formed in the 1960s, the organization was expelled from Iran after the Islamic Revolution in 1979, and its primary support came from the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein since the late 1980s. The MEK’s history is filled with anti-Western attacks as well as terrorist attacks on the interests of the clerical regime in Iran and abroad

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Two sides of violence coin

“The explosion of the office of Islamic Republic Party on June 28th, 1980 and self immolations on June 17th, 2003″…One side shows committing terrorism to face the enemy, the other shows using terrorism to save Violence captured in cul-de-sac…

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Terror Ops Underway in Iran

Despite the Bush Administration’s adamant and continual denunciation of terrorism, the Department of Defense—under Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld’s orders—is using a terrorist organization to orchestrate attacks and collect intelligence inside Iran, according to numerous former and current military, intelligence, administration, and United Nations officials.

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Easy to obtain, easy to lose

About two decades, he was busy with storing the weapons and killing the people of Iran. This strategy was under the commands of Saddam, and Mujahedeen just applied that.
Rajavi knew that Saddam would withdraw the weapons as easy as he had given them, like that during overrunning Kuwait which Saddam got 50 percent of his complimentary weapons.

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US, UK, Israel Talks on MKO

A French journalist who asked to remain anonymous said that the Israeli intelligence service, Musad, had attended some meetings with a number of the MKO members during the last 6 months, where the two sides have made some deals.
The source said that the two sides have agreed to keep their meetings secret and increase the number of their representatives in the said talks.

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The strategy of death, the meeting about death, the design for death, the training and maneuver for death, the political diplomacy at the service of death, terror for death and death for terror and… In fact the word Mujahid has been a synonym for death.

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United States Court of Appeals verdict on NCRI

The Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of1996 (AEDPA) empowers the Secretary of State to designatean entity as an FTO whenever the Secretary determines that(1) the entity is foreign; (2) it engages in terrorist activity;and (3) the terrorist activity threatens the security of theUnited States or its nationals. 8 U.S.C. § 1189(a)(1). Adesignation as an FTO persists for two years, after which theSecretary may redesignate the entity as an FTO for a suc-ceeding two-year period upon finding that the statutory cir-cumstances still exist. Id.

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Terrorism, Weapon to Achieve Political Goals

Whenever they wanted to prove its strength and power, MKO conducted a series of terrorist operations inside Iran; then, they introduced it as their own popular base. This was, in fact, one of their repetitious methods. Many innocent people were killed in these operations of Rajavi, but he used them for his own political aims

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Iranian Mojahedin Accepts Defeat

This recent announcement by the Mojahedin Khalq Organisation is in total contradiction to what has been portrayed to the members and supporters who have been led to believe that armed struggle is the only form of struggle possible, and that it is rooted in the history of the Mojahedin as its most fundamental value.

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