Mujahedin Khalq Organization as a terrorist group

Targeting a ‘terrorist group’

It is sad to read about the Mujahedin Khalq organization (a.k.a. MEK, MKO, NCRI and several other names) in that the terrorist group is portrayed as the representative of a quarter of a million Iranian Americans. The group was in charge of killing several Americans during the shah’s regime in Iran. Its ideology is a mixture of Islam and Marxism. The group is run like a cult, in that the”holy”leaders (Maryam and Massoud Rajavi) must be obeyed at all costs, even if this means sacrificing families and children.

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Terrorism is Terrorists does

In the Iranian Diaspora that followed 1980, members and supporters of MEK spread throughout the Western World. In Canada, members of the group have earnestly solicited funds and preserved links with Canada’s anachronistic Marxist community. They have also attacked the Iranian embassy in Ottawa, as part of a coordinated assault on 13 embassies in Europe and the Americas.

Still, MEK has done itself few favours over the years. Its main base is still in exile in Iraq, and depends on the generosity of Saddam Hussein

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MKO Efforts to Set-Up Crisis in Iraq

Terrorist group of Mujahideen-e Khalq has an active role in stoking the fire of division among tribes of Iraq; the officials of the group, sponsoring terrorists of Diali province, have met a number of tribes’ leaders in Camp Ashraf. In the meetings, MKO has expressed criticism toward the elections in Iraq, announcing it as fraud. It has also warned the Sunni sheikhs that the Shiites want to eliminate all Sunnis in the case of getting to power.

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Killing generations of Kurds

..To cover their crimes against Kurds, Mujahedin claimed that they repelled the attack of Iranian forces to their bases and called the alleged anti – attack,”Pearl Operation”…”the only and main invasion of NLA during the last six years happened in 1991 right in the aftermath of Gulf War while Saddam Hussein ordered Rajavi to help him with suppressing Kurds’ uprising in the north of Iraq.”…

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MEK Fixed on US Terror List

the MKO can no longer wait for a new list, two years from now but after this time it should try to convince US officials that the situation which led to the designation of the group have completely changed. Meanwhile, new list proves that all US officials, leaders, political figures and parties have consensus on the fact that the Mojahedin-e khalq is a terrorist organization.

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Masud Rajavi,the leader of the MKO,founded another group,National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI),to pretend that other groups and personalities had joined and supported him .
At that time,Rajavi wanted to use the influence of the fired president,BaniSadr,and some parts of the democratic party of Iranian Kurdistan and also a few other communist groups to acheive his goals.

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What Kind of Alternative? refusing to do the hard, long and complicated work, the Mojahedin leadership exhibited extremely poor political judgment, fatal immaturity, and an instinctive distrust for the people. On top of that, they left their cadres and supporters wide open for brutal repression that they should have expected and should have been prepared for…They have very little public support inside Iran, and are in fact reviled by most ordinary people because of the patronage bestowed on them by Saddam,

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Through both his personal testimony and a ten minute video displayed during the press conference at the National Press Club earlier on Monday, Moni sought to highlight the MKO’s cooperation with Saddam Hussein and demanded that Massoud Rajavi, the leader of the MKO and his associates be tried for “their human rights violations.”…Moni claimed that “Saddam placed more trust in the MKO than his Iraqi army” during his campaigns against Iraqi Shiites and Kurds.

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Tension in Conference on MKO-Saddam Ties

A number of former members of Mojahedin-e khalq organization,held a press conference on Wednesday (November 10) in London’s Ambassador Hotel. They wanted to give information to journalists about the relations between the MKO and Saddam Hussein and the role of this organization in suppressing Shiites and Kurds in 1991 but the meeting was disrupted with the intervention of a number of people who seemed to be MKO supporters.

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